Fighter Pilot Morality
Apparently, McCain's supporters are willing to lose their
jobs and homes, if that gives them the opportunity to crush Muslims.
A few generations ago they sacrificed their right to form
labor unions to preserve the ability to lynch blacks.
The children don't need schools to absorb Fascist ideals.
They are everywhere.
The true patriot does not die for his country. He makes the
enemy die for his nation.
McCain Made Communist Propaganda Video
By Joan Walsh, Salon
Politico built a whole nasty story about Obama's left flank
around a regrettable Aravosis post titled "Honestly, besides
being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?"
"A lot of people don't know ... that McCain made a propaganda video for
the enemy while he was in captivity," Aravosis wrote. "Putting that
bit of disloyalty aside, what exactly is McCain's military experience that
prepares him for being commander in chief … Getting shot down, tortured and
then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience."
By Col. David Hackworth
John McCain is being hailed by the press as a "genuine war hero." But
is he a war hero in the conventional sense like Audie Murphy and John
Or is his "war hero" status the creation of a very slick publicity campaign that plays on flag, duty, honor and country?
For sure, McCain has the fruit-salad -- a Silver Star, a Legion of
Merit for Valor, a Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars , two
Commendation medals plus two Purple Hearts and a dozen service gongs.
On a purely medal count basis, he out-weighs Murphy and Glenn, who both
for years repeatedly performed extraordinary deeds on the ground or in
the air against an armed enemy.
McCain's valor awards are
based on what happened in 1967, when during his 23d mission over
Vietnam, he was shot down, seriously injured, captured and then spent 5
1/2 brutal years as a POW.
In an attempt to find out exactly
what the man did to earn these many hero awards, I asked his Senate
office three times to provide copies of the narratives for each medal.
I'm still waiting.
I next went to the Pentagon. Within a week,
I received a recap of his medals and many of the narratives that give
the details of what he did.
None of the awards, less the DFC,
were for heroism over the battlefield -- where he spent no more than 20
hours. Two Naval officers described the awards as "boilerplate" and
"part of an SOP medal package given to repatriated (Vietnam-era) POWs."
McCain's Silver Star narrative for the period 27 October 1967
-- the day after he was shot down -- to 8 December 1968 reads: "His
captors… subjected him to extreme mental and physical cruelties in an
attempt to obtain military information and false confessions for
propaganda purposes. Through his resistance to those brutalities, he
contributed significantly towards the eventual abandonment…" of such
harsh treatment by the North Vietnamese.
Yet in McCain's own
words just four days after being captured, he admits he violated the
U.S. Code of Conduct by telling his captors "O.K, I'll give you
military information if you will take me to the hospital."
Vietnam vet detractor says, "He received the nation's third highest
award, the Silver Star, for treason. He provided aid and comfort to the
The rest of his valor awards -- issued automatically
every year while he was a POW -- read much like the Silver Star. More
boilerplate often repeating the exact same words. An example: "By his
heroic endeavors, exceptional skill, and devotion to duty, he reflected
great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the
Naval Service and the United States Armed Forces."
McCain's conduct while a POW negates these glowing comments. The facts
are that he signed a confession and declared himself a "black criminal
who performed deeds of an air pirate." This statement and other
interviews he gave to the Communist press were used as propaganda to
fan the flames of the anti-war movement.
Accounts by McCain
and other writers tell of the horror he endured: relentlessly beatings,
torture, broken limbs. All inflicted during savage interrogations. Yet
no other POW was a witness to these accounts.
A former POW
says "No man witnessed another man during interrogations… We relied on
each other to tell the truth when a man was returned to his cell."
The U.S. Navy says two eye-witnesses are required for any award of
heroism. But for the valor awards McCain received, there are no
eye-witnesses, less himself and his captors.
And they're not talking.
Our POWs in Vietnam were treated appallingly. The Viets would either
break a POW or kill him. POWs provided info beyond name, rank and
serial number or they didn't come back.
Based on these
stalwart men's horrific experiences, the Code of Conduct has been
changed. A POW says, "Now the training is to give them something… don't
risk permanent damage to health, mind or body."
McCain refused
an early release. An act of valor? Three former POWs told me he was
ordered to turn it down by his U.S. POW commander and he "just followed
McCain certainly doesn't appear to be a war hero by
conventional standards, but rather a tough survivor whose handlers are
overplaying the war hero card.