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Religion > Ongoing Sex Crimes in the Catholc Church

Ongoing Sex Crimes in the Catholc Church

Ongoing Coverage of Sex Crimes in the Catholic Church

City of Angels3@blogspot.com


my story next month, investigate pedophile priest crimes in one small town USA
Warming back up. I’ve spent a lot
of time lately looking at the area of Illinois
where I'm going next month after the SNAP conference to investigate my own
story. The mansion is still there on Lake
Street outside of Bartlett. Today, I can look straight at it on
a Google satellite map. Click down you can see details, the surrounding
forests, click down again, you see yes, the long driveway is still there,
probably paved today. I expected it would all be developed now, but eerily,
it’s not. Lake Street
appears to be a four-lane highway today. The turn off to Bartlett looks like just a little road from
up here, the satellite view. Back then we joked our neighbors were sheep. There
was almost nothing but farmland, and Bartlett,
a train stop with a town around it. I did a short search at bishop accountability
and discovered:After my perp priest left in the 1970s, a new priest, James Ray,
took over as pastor until 1988 when he left to go to a parish about 20 miles
due north in the tiny town of Wauconda.
He was followed at St. Peter Damian Parish by Ray Lupo, who stayed pastor there
until 2003. Lupo “resigned” and Ray was “removed from ministry” Ray in 1991,
Lupo in 2001 according to the Chicago Archdiocese announcement in 2006 which
began: “The following Archdiocesan priests are no longer in public ministry
because an allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor has been
substantiated.”Both Ray and Lupo had to leave the priesthood due to allegations
of sex with children while at St. Peter Damian Parish in Bartlett. So the church where my sister and I
were raped by the parish priest in the early 1950s has had one pedophile priest
serving after another since our perp Father Thomas Barry Horne founded the
church in 1949.I found this out a few weeks back. Now I'm on my way to Bartlett to find out
more. Bishop Accountability says about James Ray:Ray was removed from
Transfiguration parish (Wauconda) in 11/91 at the behest of Bernardin's
commission, which had been set up after the 1991 Mayer accusations.
Parishioners at Transfiguration church were informed that Ray was alleged to
have offended at his previous parish, St. Peter Damian in Bartlett. Archdiocesan officials confirmed
Ray's removal only after reporters specifically asked if he had been removed at
the commission's request.William Lupo’s careers is a little loopy, the database
at BA has his as:St. Mary's in Des Plaines (1979-86) parish school had 173
- Our Lady of the Wayside in Arlington Heights (1986-90) name misindexed and
mislisted as Lupe in 1987 Directory; parish school had 649 children
- St. Peter Damian in Bartlett (pastor 1990-2003) listed in the 2003 Directory;
no parish school
- Resigned 12/02, according to 3/20/06 archdiocesan announcementSheep would
show up at the fence that marked our property line. You drove out that long
curvy 2-lane highway from Chicago, about an hour, passed the left turn into
Bartlett, then about a half mile on the right. A gravel driveway back then, you
went up a small hill, then forged down a long straight path through the trees.
It must have been a mansion. It had a ballroom. Then a partition and a smaller
living room area, I don't think we ever opened up or used the ballroom. My
parents did throw a lot of parties, cocktail parties ala 1950s, think rural
Breakfast At Tiffany’s style. Father Thomas Barry Horne was a regular at my
parents’ cocktail parties. The house had a tower. A Tower. Honest. My playroom
was at the top of the tower. Talk about isolation. Here is the scene. Mom is an
atheist who married her Catholic boss. She was a waitress. She was a raging angry
waitress. Her studies at Chicago Art Institute came to a halt when her parents
lost their business 1929, now she’s waitressing. He’s going to Loyola law
school and managing Hardings restaurant.My dad worked his way through Law School
during the Depression. Yeah I'm proud of him, even though he may have been in
on the pedophilia himself. There must have been a radical side to my dad even
then, to come from a from a family full of Irish Catholic cops and marry this
atheist girl, not only atheist. Her parents, my grandparents, migrated from Poland in 1900
so they could have the freedom to be atheist. Her parents, my grandparents,
came to American for the freedom to be atheists. 1949, the Catholic lawyer and
his atheist wife have three children and move from Chicago to this rural place. And at the same
time Father Thomas Barry Horne comes out from Chicago to start St. Peter Damian church. My
dad is an usher there, my mom plays the organ, the oldest sister has a
miraculously beautiful soprano voice and so is the church soloist. My family is
all over the place in this church. Father Thomas Barry Horne spends hours and
hours out at our place in "the woods," keeping my mom company, while
my dad is on these weeks-long business trips. Here is the scene. I'm in that playroom
at the top of that tower. Or I'm playing outside in the woods. Both of my
sisters are old enough to be in school, I'm at home with a mom who really
doesn't like the way her life has turned out. I don't know, I guess she never
got over having to quit art school in 1929. Mom the atheist, angry that she’s
stuck out in the middle of nowhere at home with a preschool aged girl, when the
priest comes to call she’s more than happy to hand me over to him. That's one
possible scenario.
Being there next month will trigger LOTS of memories I know from seeing the
long driveway going up into the woods from my satellite viewpoint, that once I
get there, my feet on the ground, the actual geography around me, a lot more
memories will come up. I know from playing Google God and following the road
from the Bartlett
train station, which is today the Chicago Metra station in Barlett, that once I
go the three blocks to Crest
Street and see the church a lot more will come
back. So I’ve been distracted last few weeks, haven’t been able to post. I also
got strangely sick when it came time to go see Bishop Robinson in Culver City. Looking
back, it could have been because I was going to see Bishop Robinson. It also
could have been because I read about Ray and Lupo. Ray and Lupo, they sound
like a vaudeville act. I really have been working 12 hour shifts with a day
down every 8 or 10 days lately to keep from having to work too much while I'm
in Illinois.
But the idea has opened up to me that I can take more trips like this, as my
boss can digitize tapes and send them to be anywhere in the world to work on. I
can do my job from any motel with an internet hookup in the room, all over the
country next few years, and that's what I just might do. So after the SNAP
conference next month I'm staying, taking that Metra train out to Bartlett, and I'm going
to do a little digging. Will be posting blogs and videos here all the while. In
the early 1950s when we lived outside Bartlett,
you drove from Chicago out a long curving 2-lane
highway, Route 20, which was and still is the road between Chicago
and Elgin. The
forest is still there, the house that once had a tower is apparently still in
there under the trees at the end of that long driveway. My dad had a wife and
three children and purchased 20 acres with a mansion on it surrounded by
forest. That same year 1949 Father Thomas Barry Horne came out from downtown Chicago to start St. Peter
Damian parish. I'm going to be there next month.
Onward. . .Ongoing coverage of sex crimes in the Catholic Church is at https://cityofangels4.blogspot.com  

posted on July 2, 2008 8:05 AM ()

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