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Home & Garden > Too Much of a Good Thing

Too Much of a Good Thing

My son and daughter in law received a box containing a grow your own mushrooms kit for Christmas. Unfortunately, it needed to be started by a certain date which was one day before they were due to leave on a vacation. After the kit was started, it then needed to be watered every other day. So I got custody of the box for two weeks. Well. I started the procedure which involved opening the box, then opening a large plastic bag which was filled with compost or some other heavy stuff and mycelium, and a smaller plastic bag filled with topsoil. The topsoil went on top of the stuff in the big bag and the whole thing was watered. Then it went into a dark 70 degree place for a few days. So I watered and watched and watered and watched and lo and behold, white stuff grew up through the topsoil from the stuff underneath, Then little white dots appeared. These would become mushrooms. The directions said they could double in size every day. Boy, were they right. In a couple of days, the box was 3/4 filled with small mushrooms which did indeed double in size every day. The kids were not due back yet so I picked a couple of the biggest ones. One egg and one mushroom made a nice omelet. Another omelet the next day. A few mushrooms sliced and eaten for a snack. One giant mushroom eaten like an apple. The mushrooms still growing. The travelers returned. My son caught a cold on the plane and we went into a cold snap. He couldn't come for the ever growing mushrooms. I couldn't keep up with them. I can only eat so many and I reached my limit. So I picked them all, quartered and blanched them and froze them in a gallon size baggie. Now I see there are more tiny white dots forming. This cycle could continue for 90 days. I may keep this box and get a new set for my son. He should have the joy of growing mushrooms from the beginning, right?

posted on Jan 22, 2013 11:44 AM ()


Fair dinkum you made my day, you can go to the top of the class, can just imagine you being stuck with all the mushrooms. how many ways did you find so as to eat them.
just as well it easn't a home brew kit he left you with, they tell me mushrooms with a beer ortwo goes down well
comment by kevinshere on Jan 22, 2013 8:28 PM ()
You reminded me that a long time ago same son experimented making beer. I still have a long hose and a case of empty bottles in my basement. We are an adventurous family. I have made cheese and yogurt, back in the day.
reply by boots586 on Jan 25, 2013 1:31 PM ()
Son has not picked up kit yet. Another flush is starting. In three days I will be picking again. I will not be saving them for son this time.
reply by boots586 on Jan 25, 2013 1:29 PM ()
Mmmmm....cream of mushroom soup....steak and mushrooms....peperoni & mushroom pizza....mushroom quiche....
comment by nittineedles on Jan 22, 2013 6:09 PM ()
Soup was wonderful. Saving some frozen ones for pizza and spaghetti sauce.
reply by boots586 on Jan 25, 2013 1:28 PM ()
Well, now I'm thinking I should get one, but I fear I keep my home too cold for growing anything in the winter. Maybe in the early spring. Now, where are all my mushroom recipes....
comment by marta on Jan 22, 2013 6:01 PM ()
Temp needs to be in the upper 60s or lower 70s.
reply by boots586 on Jan 25, 2013 1:27 PM ()
I buy my mushrooms at The Dollar Store--a packet of seeds for 25 cents!!! LOL
comment by greatmartin on Jan 22, 2013 4:40 PM ()
You grow mushrooms from seeds? I will have to go to my dollar store.
reply by boots586 on Jan 25, 2013 1:27 PM ()

Good price (unless shipping is outrageous).
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 22, 2013 3:07 PM ()
Wow. Shipping is outrageous. From Wi to NE IL is almost $22 for tax and shipping. Costs as much as the kit. I wonder if there is a store around here that sells kits. I may look into that.
reply by boots586 on Jan 22, 2013 3:17 PM ()
Totally!!! I think you've just sold a couple of people on buying one of those kits!
comment by maggiemae on Jan 22, 2013 2:09 PM ()
This one came from in Burlington, WI.
reply by boots586 on Jan 22, 2013 2:36 PM ()
I have always hesitated to buy that kit. The kit I'm familiar with costs thirty bucks and I didn't think it could produce $30 worth of mushrooms. Time to reconsider!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 22, 2013 11:54 AM ()
At one time there were 20+ big mushrooms ready to harvest. Three would fill one of the boxes that mushrooms are sold in. I had a couple as big as my fist. They were going into the portbella stage, starting out as button mushrooms.
reply by boots586 on Jan 22, 2013 2:31 PM ()

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