A warm welcome to December, friends. Today is December 4th and it is 70 degrees. The first three days of December have all been in the middle 60s or higher. We could have snow later this week. This climate change stuff is crazy.
posted on Dec 3, 2012 2:23 PM ()
A storm is finally on the way to Colorado, but it's only a 20% chance of snow. Might as well be zero percent. I'm praying the weatherman has underestimated it and it'll snow like crazy. They have a forest fire burning near where I live (not close enough to lose sleep over) that has been smoldering since October, and they need some good snow storms to put it out because it is in too remote an area to get to.
that sun aint actin up its--- fair dinkum
This, too, shall pass! Enjoy while we can.
My roses are still blooming but not a drop of rain in sight!
a 100 deg start for our summer was in shorts today am wearin winter gear mother nature is certainly playing up
Is it December? Oh yes we only had a high of 80 degrees today--before you know it we will be having 73-75 degree afternoons
It is 65 degrees here in Northwest Ohio! The cats and I enjoyed having windows open all day in December!
And another thing. We put up our outside Christmas lights yesterday without coats. Last night they were on while the leaves were still falling from my maple tree. This is December, folks.