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News & Issues > Belated Sandy News

Belated Sandy News

We Americans always seem to be looking out for the next best thing. Witness our greeting-"What's new?" Hurricane Sandy was only three weeks ago and now we have moved on to General P, General A and the FBI. In my mind Sandy is still current because of a couple of things. Our electric company Commonwealth Edison sent crews to the east coast before the storm hit because they knew they would be needed there. These people started coming home this week. They have been working on the power outages for almost three weeks. Good job, ComEd people!
A week ago, there was a piece in the local online Patch newspaper about a group collecting supplies in Chicago and suburbs to take to NJ and NY. The group (Bring Hanah Home) started when the tornado hit Joplin MO and they took supplies there. They started up again when Sandy hit (Hurricane Sandy Humanitarian Relief Run). They were hoping to get enough to fill one UHaul truck. This was happening by word of mouth and by Facebook. There is a woman who lives a couple of blocks from me who was acting as one of the collectors. She expected to store things in her garage. I heard about this when they were ready to consolidate the donations. Her garage was full and her living room was full. She was one of many, many collection sites. The group ended up renting four trucks and four trailers filled to bursting with the donations, including $1500 worth of dog and cat supplies given by a local pet store. They set out last Friday in a convoy. Over the weekend they sent back emails of their experiences in Staten Island NY and two towns in NJ. So sad. And so uplifting. The Salvation Army hit the ground running (Marching?) giving out clothes, blankets, food, supplies. The VFW in Red Bank NJ is giving out food and supplies and places to sleep for anyone in need. Project Rebuild in Red Bank, NJ is doing the same. If you want to see America taking care of its own, Google Hurricane Sandy Humanitarian Relief Run, Project Restore, or Bring Hanah Home (Hanah is a dog who disappeared during the Joplin tornado and was the inspiration for this.) The people affected by Sandy and Katrina and the Haiti storms are still in need. You can contribute money using Paypal and Chipin. Or give to the Red Cross.

posted on Nov 15, 2012 11:39 AM ()


The power trucks and crews from here in the west were airlifted in giant military transport planes.
comment by troutbend on Nov 19, 2012 12:52 PM ()
Isn't it wonder full how people came together?
reply by boots586 on Nov 21, 2012 11:07 AM ()
There is quite an ongoing effort in Northwest Ohio to help Sandy victims. A number of our Red Cross, electrical and ISOH/IMPACT disaster relief crews are working hard. Donation drives are filling truck after truck. So proud of the efforts. My heart goes out to the all those fighting to recover from this awful storm's destruction. It will take a very long time....
comment by marta on Nov 16, 2012 10:39 AM ()
They can use all the help they can get for a long time.
reply by boots586 on Nov 17, 2012 8:59 AM ()
I feel guilty only giving to the Red Cross. Looks like our president is stepping in with more assistance. Sounds like a great group you have up your way.
comment by solitaire on Nov 16, 2012 5:50 AM ()
I am a big supporter of the Red Cross. My father-in-law was the head of the Red Cross in Minneapolis in the early 50's. I have a silver tray and coffee service he received when he left there. He played golf and fished with Hubert Humphrey. I think HHH was the mayor then. Yes, I am a name dropper. I don't have a lot of extra money to throw around but I try to help through the Red Cross.
reply by boots586 on Nov 16, 2012 6:33 AM ()
Americans helping Americans in trouble is a heartwarming and wonderful
thing. We just can't imagine the plight of those people who have been
without power for so long.
comment by elderjane on Nov 15, 2012 5:55 PM ()
It has been cold there, too. A lot of people have no houses to lose power. No homes, no jobs, no money, no food. Tragic.
reply by boots586 on Nov 16, 2012 6:34 AM ()
And the CEOs of GE will still get millions of dollars--the electrical wires, poles, outlets, etc., are as old as the city is--THEY have to replace everything without charging the customers!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 15, 2012 3:14 PM ()
Most of our big cities have infrastructure problems now and no money to replace. They just stumble along doing makeshift repairs. Duct tape and WD40.
reply by boots586 on Nov 16, 2012 6:36 AM ()
Thanks for the information. Out here in the west, we feel somewhat removed from east coast events, but there were some power line workers from here who went to New Jersey to help with getting the electricity back on.
comment by troutbend on Nov 15, 2012 2:39 PM ()
We only see what is happening on the world news. It is along way from CO to NJ for those power guys driving their trucks. And no gas when they got there.
reply by boots586 on Nov 16, 2012 6:37 AM ()

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