Memorial Day 2009? Wow! Has it really been that long? Time sure really flies doesn't it.
My last post was quite a while ago. Memorial Dayish 2009. I remember visiting and posting here, (Ok, VAGUELY remember posting here.), then trying to log back in a day or two later and getting directed to some bizarre website. This was around the same time that another favorite website of mine disappeared. That website has unfortunately, never been seen since then. I tried for two or three days to navigate here, only to find that weird website waiting for me. Luckily for me, I decided to write to Kdawg back on the old Blogster site and she set me straight. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
Quite a lot has happened since I last logged in here, but the hours late tonight and almost like the carriage that turns into a pumpkin at midnight, this old pumpkin turns into a pile of goop around 10:30pm. Its not a pretty sight, so I'll tell my tales later.
Good night everyone, may your evening be safe and secure. The techno-tard is back! (Lets hope that thats a good thing!)
Later gators!