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Da Dawg Pound!

Health & Fitness > Strange Days!

Strange Days!

Almost five years and a lot has happened in those years. 2014 and 2015 saw me go through a lot of procedures, trying to correct a vascular issue in my legs. (Veins that were too large in my legs.) The problem seemed fairly resolved at that point with the exception of pain in my toes. (Hammertoes) Fast forward to 2018 and the toe pain was getting to be excruciating, especially in the left foot. Ten days in the hospital and the two worst of the toes on my left foot ended up getting amputated. I was out of work an additional two months, but made it through that and felt pretty good. 2019 started out shaky with the same kind of pain in two toes on my right foot. I saw the same podiatrist from the year before, and with additional antibiotics, got me up and running again. (Not literally running, but feeling like I almost could!) I had a hyperactive thyroid issue that was settled by me taking the irradiated iodine pill. (I found out that I’m allergic to either the iodine or the radiation, because I had the nastiest rash and hives outbreak that I’ve ever had.) The six weeks of hell I went through while waiting for that pill to wear off was almost unbearable. Afterwards, Synthroid has kept me on an even keel. I also have to add that up to this point, I had been tested at least once or twice a year for diabetes since 2012, and as of this date, all the blood works have come back negative. (Thankful for that!) 2019 was cruising along quite nicely until August, when I started feeling like something gastrointestinal was going on. My gastroenterologist checked me out front/back, top/bottom, and found nothing. September 2nd, I almost passed out at work and was sent to the hospital, where a cardiologist diagnosed me with congestive heart failure. The weird part was that in 2018 I had a full heart work up and a partial one early in 2019 that was equally as good as the one the year before. After a full workup in the hospital, (Another three day stay.), my cardiologist told me I was lucky to be alive. When I came in that afternoon, my lungs were almost full of fluids, and a large pocket of fluid surrounded my heart. My heart was working at about 35% capacity and with that much fluid around my heart and in my lungs would’ve probably killed me. Since then, the only thing they’ve found that would explain that drastic of a change was Mersa in my body. I had picked that up about day two or three in 2018, and probably never had it taken care of back then. Since September, I’ve been on a water pill and three blood pressure meds, and I have to weigh myself every morning and take my blood pressure in the morning and evening. For the past five plus months, I’ve been on a low-sodium diet, and restrictions to 1 1/2 liters of fluid intake a day. No changes to my meds in this time, yet about four weeks ago, I nasty rash has come back to smack me around. My Dermatologist did a couple biopsies on my skin today and I find myself on three more medications tonight. Before 2018 I had been in a hospital a grand total of three times, for about four days and that was for a little over 58 years! It seems like I almost live in hospitals and doctors' offices these days and I’m becoming Norm from Cheers at these places! I forgot to add in too that I had cataract surgery on my eyes in October and November last year, the results of which have been phenomenal. I saw my Podiatrist Friday, Dermatologist today and one of my Cardiologists next Monday. These past two-plus years have been a long, strange trip, but I’m hopeful that these doctors break the cycle and find out some ways to bring me relief this year!

posted on Feb 11, 2020 4:22 PM ()


Why must y’all freak me out? Don’t mind me over here munching my celery...
In all seriousness I truly hope things calm down for you. Sounds like a lot too much!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 11, 2020 6:35 PM ()
Sorry, not trying to freak you out kristilyn! Ha! Ha! It does get to be a bit overwhelming sometimes. I've been hearing from numerous doctors that a lot of this is hereditary. You get it from your mom's side.
reply by biggdawg49 on Feb 12, 2020 4:43 AM ()
I hadn't spent much time in the hospital (except for several eye surgeries) either until I made it to my late 50s Then came three rounds of pancreatitis averaging 7 days each. But getting old beats the alternative. Welcome to the club.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 11, 2020 4:31 PM ()
Thanks! My mom still says getting old beats the alternative. She also says getting older ain't for wusses and both sayings hit that nail on the head!
reply by biggdawg49 on Feb 11, 2020 5:42 PM ()

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