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Da Dawg Pound!

Life & Events > Boring > A Day in the Life ...

A Day in the Life ...

I had the day off, so it was a lazy kind of day for me today. It started when I stayed up past midnight last night. (Something I’m not known for being able to do any more.) It probably took about half a nanosecond for me to fall asleep and I slept blissfully until 8:30am. By then my on-call duties were officially over and I was a free man. I lazed around the house till noon, started one load of laundry in the washer, and drove to the nearby Salvation Army Retail Thrift Store. They have this enormous building that I’ve been interested in going to and checking out. Sorry to say, it was a major disappointment. The retail outlet takes up about a fifth of this huge building and it was filled mainly with clothes. They had a few pieces of furniture, (nothing worth noting), some glassware, a few toys, appliances and books. I had originally thought that I would walk in to this massive building and be there for hours trying to take it all in. Boy was I wrong. Instead, I bought a few groceries at Walmart, came home and did some more laundry.

With this fabulous jet-setting life I lead, I should be beating off the paparazzi.

I did buy a George Foreman grill, but upon opening my new toy, I found that one of the rear legs was broken. It was about 3:30pm, traffic is terrible in that area on Friday afternoon, so I’ll return that in the morning.

Take care, have a great evening and lets have an awesome weekend!

posted on Apr 17, 2015 6:06 PM ()


Our local no-kill shelter sponsors a rummage sale every March. It's the unofficial opening of the yard sale season. Aside from that, second-hand shopping isn't all that interesting.
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 20, 2015 6:05 PM ()
I sometimes enjoy walking around flea markets, garage sales, thrift stores, just to see what they have and to just get out and mingle a little. I'd definitely go to the no=kill shelter rummage sale too. It's especially great if I'm with someone who's company I enjoy!
reply by biggdawg49 on Apr 21, 2015 5:09 PM ()
I am sniffing another thrift store shopper. Try the Jr. League thrift
stores and the other upscale ones as well as estate sales. They have
tremendous gently used things like chandeliers, etc.
comment by elderjane on Apr 18, 2015 7:23 AM ()
That sounds like a great idea! Someone else said something about Habitat For Humanity retail stores. I'll have to check them out!
reply by biggdawg49 on Apr 20, 2015 2:27 PM ()
Ahhhh staying up "late" and sleeping straight thru til morning. You, sir, are living the dream! glad ya had a good day off.
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 17, 2015 8:08 PM ()
Thank you K! It was quite fine indeed!
reply by biggdawg49 on Apr 18, 2015 3:57 AM ()

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