Independence Day. A day for fireworks, food and remembering those who have fought and died to preserve the rights, freedoms and priviledges that we may sometimes take for granted. For some of us, it may mean a paid day off from work....... and for that I am grateful. We in this country are truly blessed to enjoy rights, freedoms, wealth and better lives and living conditions than many people on this world of ours. Were it not for the sacrifices and the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors, the great risks and steadfast commitment for a better life not only for us, but for everyone here, we too could be living under far worse conditions than most of could imagine or want to think of. With so many of us looking for that quick dollar or life with little or no responsibilities, let us also give thanks to the many wonderful and selfless people who live, breathe, fight and die, so that we can continue this life that so many around the world can only dream of.

May we never forget how we've made it this far, never forget those who have given their lives to gain and to keep these freedoms and may we never forget to be ever vigilant so as not to lose all that we have and squander this precious gift that has been given to us....... freedom!
May your dinners be delicious, your fireworks displays amazing and your thanks to those who, without their efforts, none of this would be possible.... heartfelt and sincere.
God bless and as always..... LATER GATORS!