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Life & Events > Replying to Elkhound

Replying to Elkhound

Elkhound said that she couldn't get onto my blog on Blogster to read about what was going on with me. Well... I can't get onto my own blog on Blogster. lol

Soooo.... to answer her question... I am not really doing to good at all. I'm tired of pain and feeling rather depressed that I can hardly take care of myself because of the pain. It is still pain in my back, legs, and feet. The doctors just assure me that it takes longer for some people to heal from back surgery than others. I'm really tired of hearing that speech from them.

I do have tickets to Louisville, Kentucky at the end of the month. The trucking industry are doing a benefit concert to raise money for our grandson's cancer treatment. I decided I would go, pain or no pain. I'll just load up on pain killers.

It's snowing lightly here today. It sure has been a long long winter. The cattle are in California having their baby calves. I'm glad I don't have to deal with the calving this year. So far it has gone well, but yesterday, we had our first still born calf. I really don't have a clue as to what happened. We always hate loosing a calf.

Well... I'm off to try to get through another day. I'm listening to the trucking channel on XM Satellite Radio and enjoying lots of Irish music and country music. I'm also missing JR who is Ohio today. I haven't seen him for about 4 weeks, but we talk several times a day. Thank God for cell phones!!!!

Love ya all and especially you, elkhound. - Annie :o)

posted on Mar 14, 2008 12:11 PM ()


Annie, when I read this, it broke my heart. I have been out of touch for so long. Take care of yourself...
comment by sunlight on Mar 17, 2008 7:59 PM ()
Sorry that you still have the pain.My son Curtis is going
through a similar one than your and the Doctor told him
cannot understand why is taking so long to heal.
well,depend on the person,some do take longer than others.
When I had my bypass things went well and talk to many
that I was luck as for them it took a year.It will be a year
next week.So hang in there and you will be fine.
Glad that you came over,very seldom visit blogster.
comment by fredo on Mar 14, 2008 1:11 PM ()
oh annie, I am so sorry about all the pain you are in! and there is nothing they can to do to ease it, other than tell you to wait? I will surely keep you in my prayers. I saw where there was big storm our your way and they were talking about lots of snow, so I hope you missed that one! The concert sounds wonderful annie, what a great way for them to help chance. God bless you and yours dear annie.
comment by elkhound on Mar 14, 2008 12:23 PM ()
Hi Annie, I have not talked to you in a while. I'm sorry you are having so much pain for the surgery. Sounds like the doctors are making excuses. How is Chance? Blogster seems to have major problelms today; I can't open anybodys blogs either. Welcome to MyBloggers.
comment by gapeach on Mar 14, 2008 12:21 PM ()

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