At 7:30 this evening, I decided to go to bed. I ached all over and had a headache. Just the Mixed Connective Tissue problem flaring up... probably from stress. Now, I wake up and it isn't even midnight yet.
The dog wanted out and when she saw the rain, she decided NOT and came right back in the house. She is so funny.
I've got several things on my mind tonight:
My health - It hasn't been that good since my back injuries and surgeries. I can't walk very far with out my hips really hurting. I'm afraid I will end up in a wheel chair.
My future - When one gets 60 yrs, they start thinking about stuff like that. Who will take care of me if I can't take care of myself? Can't expect the daughter to have her mother move in and certainly the son inlaw wouldn't have it. He's not President Obama. lol
My aloneness - How much longer can I live here with only animals for company. I talk to them, but they don't answer back.
My relationship with JR - We have very little to talk about these days. We talk about the ranch and trucking... nothing else.
My sisters - One has dementia and hardening of the arteries. She is having her second leg surgery today to replace a clogged vein. My other sister is bi-polar and not on her medicines. We haven't talked in a very long time because she is angry at me. I know it is her illness, but still... better to keep my distance.
Parents - They have both passed on and I miss them very much. I wish right now, I could talk with them.
Blogging - Is it really as fulfilling a hobby as I had hoped or do I need to move in a different direction?
Okay... enough mind wanderings for tonight. I'll just turn on the tv for awhile.
Annie :o)