This afternoon, we attended Chance's 13th birthday party. Yep... he is officially a teenager. Poor kid... everyone was asking him how it felt to be a teenager. His answer... "just the same as before." lol
He looked good except he looked tired. Hopefully, his blood counts will allow for him to have his next-to-the-last chemo treatment this week. He has missed two weeks of chemo because blood test results were so poor.
His party was at a local pizza place and lots of family and friends were there. Papa JR and Chance spent a lot of time playing the game machines... especially a hunting machine. Chance shot more deer than Papa JR.
Anyhow... it was a fun afternoon and it ended all too quickly. Now JR has to hit the road again and I probably won't see him for a few weeks. Sad. :o(
Hope ya'll are having a great Labor Day weekend. I know some of you are getting ready for Gustav. Please, keep safe!!!!
Love ya - Annie L :o)