I copied this information from the Humane Society:
What You Can Do about Canned Hunts
There are several ways you can go about shutting down the canned hunt industry.
1. Support Federal Legislation
Ask your U.S. senators to support S. 304, the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act, which makes the interstate transport of exotic mammals for the canned hunt industry illegal. Tell your representatives to support the House bill when it is introduced. To find out who represents you, visit www.congress.org.
2. Promote State and County Bans on Canned Hunts
Act Now!
Ask your lawmakers to crack down on canned hunting.
If your county or state has no law against canned hunting, push for such a bill. You can contact The HSUS government affairs staff for help.
If you live in Pennsylvania, please contact your state legislators and ask them to support Rep. Corrigan's bill to ban the hunting of exotic animals in canned hunt facilities.
If you live in Indiana, tell your state representative to oppose H.B. 1780, which expands canned hunts in Indiana and puts them under the regulatory power of the state department of agriculture.
If your state is considering legislation against canned hunts, tell your state legislators to support that legislation. To find out who represents you in the state and federal legislatures, visit www.congress.org.
3. Ask Your Local Zoo about Its Policy on Surplus Animals and Their Disposition
Ask zoo officials to make a commitment to provide any animal born in their facility with responsible, lifelong care.
4. Oppose the Establishment of Hunts or Game Ranches in Your Community
Apply local anticruelty laws to existing hunt situations.
5. Use the Power of the Press
Write letters to your local newspaper about canned hunts or canned hunt legislation affecting your community.