So very much has been happening over the past few weeks. My daughter and grandson found a house to rent in a nearby town. We spent several days getting things in order and ready for the move--money deposit, first month's rent, getting gas and electricity turned on. Then we visited my mom's cache of old, old furniture that she had accumulated over the years. We moved three beds, mattresses, three chests, sheets and towels, a sectional couch, a rocker, end tables, kitchen table, dishes, silver ware, pots and pans--everything it seemed but the kitchen sink. We were able to get them moved in and set up for housekeeping in one day. Boy were we all pooped.
Then, the storms came and with them went the internet and roof on my mom's house! We lost several trees and have been cleaning up and making repairs for the last several days. I have been picking up flowers, gas cans and other sundry items from all over the yard. Our policeman living in mom's house lost part of his swimming pool. I saw it go sailing down the road, finally finding a home in a tree. Our winds were only about 70 miles an hour. I thought the entire time of those families in Texas experiencing the brunt of the hurricane.
Reni's demalement is scheduled for the 2nd of October. Poor little guy! Oh well, I know of a few other males that might be helped by having the same procedure done to them!!!!!!!!! I will use a line of draco's---nuff said!
The economy has really taken its toll on us. The housing industry as been hit so very hard as have the real estate businesses. Hopefully, the actions being taken by the government will be a quick fix. I have been watching CNN and the news channel hoping that better times will soon be on the way. I fear that our way of life will be changing drastically.
On a happy note--it is the weekend, and I wish you all the very best of times.