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Inspirational Thoughts

Education > Taking Control of Your Health

Taking Control of Your Health

Most soybean, corn, cotton and canola crops
in the U.S. are genetically altered. Some experts argue that these crops
could pose serious health and environmental risks, but the scientific
picture is currently incomplete -- deliberately so.

Agricultural corporations such as Monsanto and Syngenta have
restricted independent research on the crops.
They have refused to
provide independent scientists with seeds, or else have set restrictive
conditions that severely limit research.  This is legal because under
U.S. law, genetically engineered crops are patentable.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

"Agricultural companies defend their stonewalling by saying that
unrestricted research could make them vulnerable to lawsuits if an
experiment somehow leads to harm, or that it could give competitors
unfair insight into their products. But it's likely that the companies
fear something else as well: An experiment could reveal that a
genetically engineered product is hazardous or doesn't perform as

Even if you don't want to eat genetically engineered foods, you most
likely already are doing so.  Corn and soy are two of the most common
food ingredients, especially in processed foods, and over 90 percent of
both these crops in the US are now from GM seeds.

Organic food companies and consumer groups are stepping up their
efforts to get the government to exercise more oversight of engineered
foods. Critics of current policy argue that the genetically modified
(GM) seeds are often contaminating the nearby non-GM crops.

ABC News reports:

"The U.S. government has insisted there's not enough difference
between the genetically modified seeds its agencies have approved and
natural seeds to cause concern. But Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack,
more so than his predecessors in previous administrations, has acknowledged the debate over the issue and a growing chorus of consumers
concerned about what they are eating."


ABC News February 28, 2011

Can Large Corporations Be Trusted to Put You First?

One of the prime lessons that emerged from the recent home mortgage
scandals, , or from our experience with the cigarette companies, just to
name a few examples, is this: Major corporations operating with little
or no regulation or real government oversight simply cannot be trusted
to put anything above their quest for profits.
Not your financial health, not your personal health, not even the law.
A public corporation is a legal entity whose mandate is to produce
profits for shareholders (with the exception of non-profits, which are
not the same), while at the same time shielding the human beings who are
running it from legal claims for the actions taken by the corporation, it's:

"A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate
legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct
from those of its members."

So Monsanto primary purpose is to protect its profits at the expense
of everything else, and the human beings running them essentially can't
be held accountable for wrongdoings in the quest for profits.
In the case of Phillip Morris and other tobacco manufacturers this means employing medical professionals to produce grossly misleading PR, lying to Congress under oath, and in the case of Big Pharma, paying their researchers to produce studies that that support the idea that their product is safe.
Would you really expect the corporate giants Monsanto or Syngenta to behave any differently?
While I am not against corporations seeking a profit, I am quite
adamantly opposed to corporations manipulating government regulators (who are nowadays simply former executives of the corporations themselves!), producing biased scientific studies that blatantly distort data and lying to the public to accomplish their goals.
And until Monsanto and Syngenta submit their GM seeds to independent
analysis by scientists not funded by these companies, I will remain
skeptical about their safety claims. It is important to note that they
are currently stonewalling ALL independent researchers from safety
testing under the guise and legal excuse of "patent protection".

What You Can Do NOW to Avoid GMO Foods....It is crucial to purchase authentically certified organic foods as
that will assure you will not receive artifacts of industrial processing
and any GMO surprises.  Currently due to corporate collusion with the
US government GMO labeling is prohibited so the only reliable way to
differentiate non GMO food is to purchase organic.
You will of course also avoid or dramatically reduce your exposure to
pesticides, hormones and antibiotics that are nearly universally added
to GMO meat and of course potent herbicides like Round Up that is
sprayed on nearly all GMO crops. 

There is one important exception, especially with respect to meat in
that it doesn't have to have the "official' organic certification if you
can do the certification yourself.  Certification can be an expensive
process and many small independent farmers are simply unable to afford
it. So if you personally know the farmer and visit the farm and are
confident it meets the standards then it is will likely be just fine.
Just far more work than most of us have the time for.
The crucial point is to absolutely know the source of your food. If you
can't grow or raise it yourself then you better be darn well confident
that you delegate that responsibility to someone or some organization
you trust. That is one of the reasons I rarely eat out and consume over
95% of my food at home.
Remember food is a critical part of the equation of "Taking Control of
Your Health", you simply must get it right if you want any real chance
of avoiding chronic degenerative disease.

more at>>
Eight Foods You Should Almost Never, Ever Eat
of course, you fancy the idea of having food lying around in your
stomach that colonizes your gut bacteria and genetically alters it to
produce pesticide within your own cells. Even the L.A Times and ABC News
are starting to question their motives - isn't it time you stopped
being their guinea pig?




posted on May 5, 2011 8:14 AM ()


It's one of those things we don't like to think about, because it's so big - where do we start? Of course the answer is we start wherever we can by making a choice to not drink soda pop or eat highly processed foods, or avoid red meat, or whatever we decide to do, and just because we can't eliminate or affect everything, something is better than just throwing up our hands and doing nothing.
comment by troutbend on May 5, 2011 1:38 PM ()
When we become more informed, little by little we can make different choices when we shop. AND then we don't fear the foods, we eat and enjoy!
reply by anacoana on May 6, 2011 9:44 AM ()
Sorry,about the long comment.Got carried away.
comment by fredo on May 5, 2011 10:05 AM ()
well I was not too aware of this.Did hear some bits a while back and not understanding what this is all about.This post gave me some idea.
I do control of my health and pretty good about.
But then again,with all of the information and more so,the confusing still goes on.What to eat and what not to eat.Or who do you believe?
This is all up to you.I am very good and then again even though you read all of the ingredients in your food,do you understand them.
Like sugar for instance.No sugar,but we do have corn frutose and other sweetner.So what is so good about.Still sweet and sugar are in it.
They do not GAF about the people as long that they can seel their products.
This what irrated me the most.Lies,Lies,Lies.
This is one of the reason we do most of our cooking at home.
At least we know whats in it.
Then the garden is the best investment.Fresh vegetables,herbs,etc.
Sure once in a while do have some junk food Peanut butter and crackers.
comment by fredo on May 5, 2011 10:05 AM ()
This helps me>>read ingredients on all labels, the first 5 listed are the MOST in the product. Avoid anything that ends with "ose", avoid MSG, avoid anything with ingredients I can't pronounce, avoid "enhanced" that means it lost it's nutrition via processing, so it's chemically added. LESS is best when it come to ingredients. Shop peripheral isles at the store, the middle isles have all the processed food. More and more really good products are being added to our stores, shop those goods and guess what the store buys more! And prices also go down.
reply by anacoana on May 6, 2011 9:53 AM ()
I forget the name of the documentary that showed corn rules our world--it is in EVERYTHING from meats to oils to plastics!
comment by greatmartin on May 5, 2011 8:17 AM ()
I remember reading about that too, when they wanted to use corn instead of oil...
reply by anacoana on May 6, 2011 9:55 AM ()

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