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Catzillah's Mayhem

Politics & Legal > Sex Work in the 21st Century

Sex Work in the 21st Century

Craigslist, Sex Work, and The End of "Innocence?:" Why Our Efforts to Address Sex Work Are Misguided

Disclaimer: I am a cat. I am "fixed." Sex is not an issue for me personally.

What I don't get is that humans don't get that marginalizing sexual nonconformity is just a way of ensuring the power of the people exploiting sex workers/GLBT/anybody else they want to exploit. They put a label on it like "rescuing children" or "preventing trafficking" and then use the power against the same people they've always been intimidating.

Now, I don't like sex marketing shoved into my face any more than anyone else. I suspect that most sex workers know this. You don't find them cold calling. They target their appeal to people looking for their services. If they don't, they don't stay in business for long.

I find it appalling that the misguided few internet pornmongers who use a shotgun approach have become an excuse to erode the rights of the rest of us. Dear legislators: mainstream bandwidth providers monitor their content and delete anything that smacks of sex. You don't need to pass a law against it. Nor do we need laws about what consenting adults can do in private and who can get paid as a result.

Anybody else remember the episode of Law & Order: SVU where the cops were cheerily applying the provisions of the Patriot Act to their investigations? Granted that's TV, not real life, but sex is not terrorism where I live.

Prostitution is the oldest profession. Abusing prostitutes is the oldest power trip, and no amount of holier-than-thouness makes it anything but bullying.

posted on Nov 12, 2010 8:11 AM ()


comment by nenah on Nov 16, 2010 7:14 AM ()
Smart cat.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 12, 2010 6:11 PM ()
Well said
comment by augusta on Nov 12, 2010 9:14 AM ()

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