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Catzillah's Mayhem

Politics & Legal > Limit Binge Drinking? I Guess Not.

Limit Binge Drinking? I Guess Not.

Scottish minimum alcohol price policy rejected

You got to hand it to the Scots. They're taken on the hard one: not blaming everything on "illegal drugs" but trying to reduce alcohol abuse by increasing the cost of the booze, much as America has done with cigarettes.

Of course, the measure was defeated. They did outlaw "three for two" specials and some types of deep discounts. Why'd they turn it down? "...because it is effectively a tax on the poor" according to Scottish Labour Party Health spokeswoman Jackie Baillie (that quote came from Bloomberg).

Isn't that the idea? To price the stuff, or heavy indulgence in the stuff, beyond the budget of the average consumer? Or is the Scottish electorate unwilling to accept a solution that doesn't help rich people too?

Disclaimer: I haven't been in Scotland in twenty years. I love the place, but I've got no right to stick my nose it Scottish political affairs. It was a good idea, though, and I wish it could be implemented where I live.

posted on Nov 11, 2010 6:42 AM ()


OH NO! The price of a wee dram went up???
comment by jondude on Nov 11, 2010 7:28 PM ()
It is more or less the same as it is wih us in Wales and England. The goverment we all believe, just want to shut down all the 'Public Houses' (pubs).
For the past few years, 'supemarkets' (who also sell groceries) have been tempting the consumer with special offers on beers, wines and spirits. The customer purchases them, thinking '' Oh great - briliant bargain'' (as anyone would) - they can stay in, sink a few cans ... and have a cigarette - you see the government have 'banned' smoking on the premises (!) Yes, most establishments have a 'smoking area' - out in the garden - if they have one, otherwise the customer hs to stand outside on the pavement (kerbside) to take in a couple of drags! (and at this time of year, it is b l o o d y freezing ( ).
Now I am not, going to go into the current arguement of 'smokers are taboo' - or, why should non - smokers always get their way? I am more concerned about the 'massive' closure of the 'local hostelry'. The 'pubs' are closing everyday!!Business's are being ruined!
At the momment, 'offers' are still operational in the supermarket - but is it only until the 'last pub' closes? Then what will happen? Yes, the supermarkets will probably stop their reductions, so everyone will have, to but the (probably) dearer priced beveridge.
I think it stinks - like our government (whoever the current political party is in office) . . . ( I can't stand politicians - )
comment by febreze on Nov 11, 2010 10:43 AM ()

When my human was in Scotland, the brilliant thing was "pub crawls." A group of you would go from pub to pub, have a half and maybe a game of dominoes and then move on to the next one. There was only one place where you couldn't see the next one from the one you were at, and that was because it was round a corner. That little town was far more orderly than most of the drier parts of the US! Britain won't be Britain without pubs!
reply by zillahkatt on Nov 18, 2010 8:51 AM ()
Our government was going to try something like that on fast food but it was rejected for the same idea...taxing the poor.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 11, 2010 10:16 AM ()
I suppose Scottish politicians are the same as politicians around the world. They like a cheap drink too.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 11, 2010 9:50 AM ()
I am sick of taxes.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:40 AM ()
And I can't spell two letter words I'm a cat; what do you expect?
comment by zillahkatt on Nov 11, 2010 6:45 AM ()

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