Daisy AsIf


Daisy AsIf
Cross Lanes, WV


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Quilts Of Valor


My Stories. Mine. Not Yours.

Life & Events > Quilt of Valor

Quilt of Valor

This afternoon my family and I were given the privilege of watching as Da Man was presented with a Quilt of Valor. The quilts are sewn by volunteers from all across the nation and presented to veterans as recognition and a "thank you" to those who have served.
Da Man's quilt was sewn by a woman in Tennessee. Along with the quilt was a hand-sewn pillow case. She also attached a photograph of herself with the quilt top and a handwritten Thank you card. The quilt itself was beautiful. It was a patriotic quilt, filled with red, white, and blue. The long arm quilter had sewn stars into the quilt. The back of the quilt was filled with scenes of landmarks throughout the US. It was absolutely gorgeous and such a wonderful gift. I know it will be treasured for years to come. The quilter's wish was that it bring comfort to Da Man.
An US Senator presented the quilts to the recipients. This senator has been instrumental in Da Man's life. I picked up a thank you card and enclosed a personal note of thanks, explaining exactly how he has helped our family and Da Man put a family picture in with it.
It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Well, okay, an hour and a half of an afternoon. I had called and invited Da Man's buddy from work. Da Man was shocked to see him sitting in the parking lot when we arrived. I was tickled to death that he and his fiance were able to make it.
I was very proud of Da Man today. I was proud of him for a number of reasons. First and foremost, he doesn't do crowds and he hates to be the center of attention. I could tell how nervous he was, but he handled himself with grace.
But I think the thing that I was most proud of today was the fact that he allowed himself to tear up. He allowed himself to accept the fact that there is indeed heroism coursing through his veins. And I was/am so proud of him. He's getting there. He has been home from Iraq for twenty-three months and ten days, and he is finally getting there.
And for those of you who quilt or know people who quilt, the Quilts of Valor is a wonderful thing. Check out the web site for Quilts of Valor. Trust me on this, it is a very appreciated gift.

posted on Apr 20, 2008 10:59 PM ()


comment by janetk on Apr 21, 2008 11:25 AM ()
how cool overall! I am glad he accepted the gift with pride. He should be VERY proud of himself...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 21, 2008 7:06 AM ()
That sounds so sweet! I am proud of all of you!
comment by spicybitch on Apr 21, 2008 5:00 AM ()
Wish I could have been there and seen it myself, I'm tearing up sitting here reading this. Tell Da Man...that I'm proud of him also..*hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 21, 2008 4:30 AM ()
This is really great! We cannot do enough for our veterans, Da Man. They give up so very much to serve their country, and I am very appreciative of that. I wish you both well and have prayers just for you.
comment by angiedw on Apr 21, 2008 1:24 AM ()

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