Daisy AsIf


Daisy AsIf
Cross Lanes, WV


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Life & Events > Oh, the Gall

Oh, the Gall

The other day we took a road trip. It was a nice road trip, too. The whole famdamnily traveled about an hour and a half away and hit The Wilds, which is North America's largest conservation project. For three hours we were shuttled around on buses and given the opportunity to view up close and in the wild creatures such as giraffes and rhinos. It was a nice day.
Despite the fact that C somehow managed to get my camera bag stuck in the wheel of his wheelchair and totally fucked my camera *refusing to get angry about it*, the only thing that was off was a strange back ache that I had. I figured it was because I toted Mak around on my hip most of the day and at nearly thirty pounds, that's not always an easy task.
Tuesday night Grace and I went to pick Da Man up from work and my back was burning. I didn't pay much attention to it because I hate to admit that there's something wrong with me *roll eyes*. I ate a piece of pizza and by midnight I was illing.
The back ache turned into a huge fit of pain. I tried everything I could to make it go away but failed. At 2:30 in the morning I was nauseous, dizzy, and in the most pain I have ever been in during the course of my life. Da Man, tired of waking up to rub my back, headed to the store and returned with a heating pad and some stinky back pain ointment. It didn't work.
At 3:00 in the morning I decided that if I couldn't fall asleep quickly I was going to the ER. At 4:00 I couldn't stand it anymore and told him that he needed to take me to the hospital. He was a bit shocked by this, but not as shocked as mom when I threw her bedroom door open and asked if she would go and sleep at my place because Da Man was taking me to the hospital.
It's an eight minute drive to the hospital. By the time we arrived in the parking lot, I couldn't walk because the pain was that bad. I tried to suck it up but couldn't and had to ask for a wheelchair as my knees buckled. I was sick.
And for those who don't know me well, I was really sick. See, I have no health insurance so a trip to the ER is not what I need. Besides that, I am the chicka who got through two C-section recoveries with fucking 800 mg of Motrin twice a day. I threw the pain pill script away because I have never met a pain that I couldn't work through--until the other night.
The first thing the doc asked me was if I still had my gall bladder. Lovely, that, because I somehow knew that it was my gall bladder. I have always prided myself on having all of my parts. Besides my daughters, everything that has grown inside my body is still there, but I'm afraid it won't be long until I have to let go of the thing.
After blood tests and a piss test, a lovely Toradol cocktail through an i.v., and an hour of lying on a bed, I was sent home. The doc said that he would guess it was my gall bladder although the tests had shown that it wasn't inflamed. He suggested that I head to the family doc for an ultrasound.
I spent all day yesterday in bed for the most part. Besides the fact that it was almost seven in the morning when we got home, I was in so much pain still that I couldn't do anything. I did go and get the pills filled that he had given me scripts for. I was almost giddy when I read that both of them would cause drowsiness.
I laid down yesterday at three in the afternoon and didn't get up until almost 7:30 last night. I sat and watched the Olympics until one this morning and then, having taken another round of pills, slept a full eight hours last night. Today the pain is bearable. So far. I can't believe that something could hurt that badly that wasn't an accident! Seriously. I still feel as if someone has a sharp object sticking into my right side. And I can't take my OTC allergy med because it will interact with the pills the doc gave me. So we'll see. I'm really hoping and praying that it goes away soon. Although I liked the fact that I really didn't have to do much of anything yesterday. Da Man called off work to stay home and help with the girls, which was wonderful. Maybe The Universe will allow me to keep the gall bladder and just stir it up every month or so, allowing me a vacation from responsibility. Ha.

posted on Aug 15, 2008 8:36 AM ()


My ex had pain like that too, and they figured gall bladder. But it wasn't confirmed until they did a few more tests. She went to the hospital in the early afternoon and was ready to go home in a few hours. It's done laproscopically these days, and doesn't leave much scar, just 3 very small holes.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 15, 2008 12:44 PM ()
When I had my gall bladder out I was in the hospital for a week and they got me hooked on morphine. That was twenty years ago. I think it's day surgery now.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 15, 2008 11:32 AM ()
so sorry (((hugs))) having no insurance really stinks. My ex had his gull bladder out when he was 22
comment by firststarisee on Aug 15, 2008 10:23 AM ()
I have problems with my gallbladder too.The pain is awful.Let them take it out,you don't need it.I have no insurance either.If I did I would have had mine taken out.Sorry to hear you are so sick.There are some home remedies,like drinking olive oil and lemon juice to relieve the pain.I do this when my gallbladder acts up.Good luck and feel better.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 15, 2008 9:49 AM ()
Yikes! Did ya make the appt for a family doc yet? I didn't know those things caused problems but be careful with you!!!

PS I love the famdamily thing... we use that in our family all the time!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 15, 2008 8:53 AM ()
I had to have mine out 2 yrs ago at Christmas, I couldn't eat anything...when I did it felt like someone was taking the muscles between my shoulders and pulling them over my head. I didn't hurt in my side..but shoulder, and back (like behind my bra). I had an ultrasound done too and they couldn't see anything either. But when they got in there to take it out the Doc said it had shrivled up around the stones. Don't put it off hun...I know it sucks not to have insurance but if it get worse it can cause other problems. *hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on Aug 15, 2008 8:51 AM ()

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