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This Oughta Be Good

Cities & Towns > Still the Week

Still the Week

Not the weekend yet. Today feels like a Saturday, so tomorrow will be a bonus day.

Our weather turned warm all of a sudden, it's 65 degrees today with light breezes. Our trees out back are in bloom with tiny green-yellow flowers that smell nice. I know this picture must look odd to those of you in the snow/ice belt. It looks odd to me, and I'm right here seeing it out the window.

Tonight Dateline NBC is supposed to air a 2 hour show about crime with a segment about a murder investigation in Las Vegas, not the recent dancer on the strip one, it goes back further than that, to 2009. We don't get that channel, so maybe they'll re-run it sometime when I'm in Colorado and I can see it then.

British national, self-styled spiritual healer, and con man Michael Lane was charged with Ginger Candela's murder. In 72 hours, detectives gathered enough incriminating evidence to bury Lane, who was picked up Dec. 3, 2009, in Ventura, Calif. It's an interesting case because of the audacity of the murderer as he used his victim's car, cell phone, credit cards, and bank accounts for about a month after he'd killed her. Her body wasn't discovered for about a month after the murder so he had plenty of time. The arrest report is available online:

Michael Lane Arrest Report


Our neighbors across the street have been having garage sales every weekend, selling all their furniture. I finally got around to looking online, and it's in foreclosure. They bought that house in 2002 and a couple years later obtained a second mortgage that must have been their downfall. We hate to lose good neighbors this way.

There is a house behind us that was foreclosed on, and it sold in April 2010 as a short sale, but nobody lives there. Whoever bought it is waiting for the market to turn around so they can sell it. I wonder how many of these properties are around town, quietly waiting to turn into gold mines for the investors, and how soon that will occur.


On a good note, one of the local casino chains is going to hire 1000 employees. This is a good sign for the unemployment picture that maybe things are getting better for the economy here. Gasoline is over $3 a gallon, and I remember a couple years ago when it got up there all the people interviewed on the news talking about how they were going to cope with it, and now it's not even mentioned.

posted on Jan 14, 2011 4:34 PM ()


Two bay houses on our island (great views) were bought on short sales by an outfit that is refurbishing and will use them as vacation rental properties. One house, in a great spot, needed at least $100,000 worth of repairs -- cracked pool, a/c replacement, and more -- so these guy are doing that. I'd rather have neighbors instead of transients but no one asked me.
comment by tealstar on Jan 15, 2011 7:06 PM ()
The look of Spring.I loved that.Here we are freezing but a nice one.
Well what the heck this is New England.Have a great weekend there.
comment by fredo on Jan 15, 2011 8:29 AM ()
Murder will out!! I loved the look at spring.
comment by elderjane on Jan 15, 2011 7:49 AM ()
comment by hobbie on Jan 14, 2011 6:40 PM ()
Here's a scratch on top of you head and a rub under the chin, Hobbie.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2011 8:50 PM ()
My heart dissolves in warm joy to see this photo, the first leaves of 2011. Aaaaaahhh....

You may be able to see the Dateline broadcast when it is reaired online. Clips are playing now — check out the Dateline site:
comment by marta on Jan 14, 2011 5:50 PM ()
Oh, that's right. I forgot all about that. Sometimes I remember to watch The Office that way, so of course I can see the show there. Thanks!
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2011 8:47 PM ()
Oh how I wish I could be in that backyard where it's DECENT weather!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 14, 2011 5:25 PM ()
Just a couple of days ago it was chilly, and now it's all nice, like 'cold winds? What cold winds?'
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2011 8:48 PM ()
I am so looking forward to the onset of Spring! Your garden looks a treat
We have got heavy rains covering the UK now, supposed to be here for the entire weekend.
Glad the police caught their murderer

comment by febreze on Jan 14, 2011 4:59 PM ()
Our neighbor is a homicide detective and sometimes we see his name in the cases.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2011 8:50 PM ()
I went outside to get the mail, realized how nice it was and felt like washing the windows. Sat down and waited for the urge to pass. Went and read a book.
reply by troutbend on Jan 14, 2011 8:49 PM ()

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