His body language tells me that woman just stole a strike from the jaws of a split, or bowled a Brooklyn: a right-handed bowler hitting the headpin on the left side. Good bowlers look down on that, and are ashamed when they do it themselves. I am from the Whatever Works school of thought, but I'm not a good bowler.
Today, he's driving here, and I can track him by looking at our credit card account online. He got gasoline at Cedar City, Utah, and Evanston, Wyoming. Unfortunately, I don't know what time he was at Evanston; the drive is 6 hours from there, and I would know when to start dinner.
Now, I'm watching the WY DOT road cameras, on the slim chance I will see his car.
I like this one with no cars at all, lots of room between people in Wyoming:
I-80, at Point of Rocks, Wyoming

Gasoline in Wyoming is cheaper than the surrounding states, sometimes 10 cents less a gallon than in Colorado, so he will probably gas up one more time in Cheyenne. Then, I'll know he is only about an hour away.
Nice buttes:

as for tracking people, there seems to be no way to hide anymore.