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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > The News from Las Vegas Emerson Version

The News from Las Vegas Emerson Version

Everyone's shocked. I didn't hear from Mr. Troutbend all day, so finally called him. We usually communicate by email, so me calling him is the equivalent of 'don't make me come down there.'

In Las Vegas, that shooting is all that's on TV, as you can imagine, since it's been so prominent all over the country. He said it's surprising how many guns that guy had accumulated, and he must have been planning this for a long time to put together such an arsenal. One has to wonder what the girlfriend was seeing and hearing during that time - maybe she's been in the Phillippines for a long time.

He is a long-time blood donor, but so many people are lined up to donate, the blood services are asking people to hold off for a few days.

What we can all learn from this is whenever we go out in public be aware of our surroundings, especially in crowded areas. Map out three or four exit strategies, avoid areas where there is only one exit. Bring a small first aid kit, including things you can use for tourniquets and to stop bleeding. In a mass shooting incident, it will take awhile for first responders to reach the injured, and you are the first line of help to save lives. Go to things in groups so you can help one another stay upright and help each other think of what to do. If you are in danger of being trampled, curl up in a ball to protect your chest cavity so you can breathe.

I hate even having to think of these sorts of things, but this is where we are these days.

posted on Oct 2, 2017 7:47 PM ()


I hate to say it, but 20 guns isn't so surprising in my state. Men love to buy them and show them off to friends; they're vanity props. In Vegas I hope they do something to protect people in areas like Fremont St., where ordinary crowds just like those who were shot at tend to congregate. And put metal detectors on building doors. (But of course the casinos' big customers will have free access to an exclusive door without metal detector.)
comment by drmaus on Oct 3, 2017 9:27 AM ()
He was a big-time gambler, one of those big customers who receive VIP treatment, so if there was special treatment, he would have gotten through. If it's room guests they're concerned with screening, they can put equipment in the elevator lobbies. A lot of the hotels already have guards stationed there checking room keys. Sometimes there are different elevators for the VIP guests, and there again laxer checking would have missed him.
reply by troutbend on Oct 3, 2017 9:54 AM ()
"how many guns that guy had accumulated" It turns out that he bought a few guns in LV on Thursday and Friday.
This insanity has to stop!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 2, 2017 8:13 PM ()
I wonder if we'll ever know what set him off.
reply by troutbend on Oct 3, 2017 9:55 AM ()

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