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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Life on the River: Snakes and Not

Life on the River: Snakes and Not

The land trust people were here today and said they saw a large rattlesnake on another property last week at 8800 ft altitude (above sea level). This is the highest anyone has heard of rattlesnakes being found around here. We were counting on our 7000 ft to be too high for them, and now we have to look out for them in the tall grass. Darn! I don't want to see them move in here.

Here is a closeup of our baby marmot.


He eats weeds in between naps. Previously it looked like he lived in the riverbank, but now we think he's moved to the woodpile, which is probably a better place for him.

I have calls out to builders to start getting estimates for the red cabin, now that we have the drawings to show them.

Our weather is heating up and drying out. We could use some afternoon rain showers. That's weather for you - too wet, too dry, always something.

The cabin business has been brisk, this is the first year we've had more business in August than July. This morning I got another call from my referral friend downstream. She had some people who wanted to stay Thursday night that she can't accommodate, and I told her I already have one-nighters Friday and Saturday, so that's too much excitement for us.

She gave me a pep talk about raising my rental rates to $125 a night from $100. And I should charge 10% more for a one-night stay. And consider a $25 cleaning fee for the short stays. She also charges $10 per extra person over 4, including camping outside the house because they still use the bathroom - it's all about the amount of strain on the septic system as well as wear-and-tear on the building.

I might do some of this and still charge my regular customers the old rate.

posted on July 28, 2015 1:03 PM ()


What eats rattlesnakes?
comment by boots586 on July 30, 2015 6:38 PM ()
Eagles, hawks, foxes, coyotes and bobcats around here. We could use a bunch of all of those except maybe the coyote because they are sneaky and howl at the moon.
reply by troutbend on July 30, 2015 7:44 PM ()
The marmot looks like a cuddly pet.!
comment by elderjane on July 29, 2015 4:00 PM ()
Yes, a friendly looking little guy, more placid that a squirrel.
reply by troutbend on July 30, 2015 7:44 PM ()
Sorry about the rattlers ... your marmot is adorable. Do you put food out for him? Yes, think about raising your rates. And you could give your regulars a grace period before charging them more in a future year.
comment by tealstar on July 29, 2015 7:38 AM ()
The marmot eats weeds and grass, so we don't know what else we could put out for him, unless maybe we got to know him so well we could see he'd eaten all of something so we'd go find more of that to offer to him.
reply by troutbend on July 30, 2015 7:45 PM ()
Heck you are the only one in the area who hasn't raised their rates or charged for 'extras'--so I have heard!
comment by greatmartin on July 28, 2015 9:00 PM ()
Sure sounds that way. It's good to talk to the other people in the business because they go through the same decisions - for awhile we're all nice and let people walk all over us and then we crack down and start charging for the things everyone else does like the cleaning fee for one night stays.
reply by troutbend on July 30, 2015 7:48 PM ()
When you consider the fragility of the environment where you're renting out, and all your current work and expenses, raising your rates sounds more than justified. I hate snakes, I hope some bigger critter eats them.
comment by drmaus on July 28, 2015 7:24 PM ()
I hope the rattlers stay away, not that I like seeing the other snakes, but at least they aren't poisonous.
reply by troutbend on July 30, 2015 9:43 PM ()

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