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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Holiday Weekend, Earthquakes

Holiday Weekend, Earthquakes

I'm mirroring Jeri's recent post title with mine. Up until this year when I started going to the watershed coalition office with the regularity of a full-time employee, holiday weekends weren't anything special for us, except we usually had cabin guests more likely to stay three nights instead of two. Now, like many other working folks, the extra day off is a nice break from meetings, emails, and phone calls.

There was recently an earthquake in the southern part of my state, near Trinidad CO - 3.9 magnitude. It's four hours away from here, so we didn't feel it.

The tree squirrels are getting ready for winter, involving climbing high into the trees and throwing down green pine cones, hundreds of them. Then, they come down to the ground and carry the cones to their stash somewhere in the forest. The cones hitting the roof sound like little bombs, and even the ones that land on the lawn make thudding sounds.

The cat escaped from the house this afternoon and I was worried she'd kill one of those squirrels because I have nothing against that particular species. But no danger - it doesn't look like she managed to capture anything. She's been doing a good job catching the mice who come into our house, so she's doing her job well enough.

We have a live trap at the cabin next door, and caught 11 mice in 7 days. When nobody is staying there, it's tempting to not put out the trap and let the mice do what they want, but it's too hard to get caught up when we have guests again, so I have to keep at it on a daily basis. We dump them out of the trap into the river and they can try to swim for shore before the current carries them away. Mice can really swim quite well and sometimes they do make it to dry land, no doubt to return to our trap sometime soon.

posted on Sept 4, 2016 9:14 PM ()


Have a respite from critters following the unbelievable expense of clearing our attic of possums and palm rates, the subsequent removal of insulation, the repiping of the house. In New York Jay would set traps. Yes, the mice died, but that's what we did. Jay put up a sign on a support post one day -- it read "Stantons 7, Mice zero. A meter reader who came into the house kept looking at the sign.
comment by tealstar on Oct 19, 2016 5:17 PM ()
I used BOUNCE fabric dryer sheets.
comment by jondude on Sept 8, 2016 12:25 PM ()
All these earthquakes where they shouldn't be is awful. Your rodent report reminds me to put ammonia-soaked cloths in the corners of the garage to dissuade mice from entering. You get one mouse, you get their whole family.
comment by drmaus on Sept 5, 2016 10:35 AM ()
I've decided ammonia is the best. We're coming up to hyperphagia time for bears when they look for food 20 hours a day so I have to take steps make our garage where they tore the door off last fall especially unattractive.
reply by troutbend on Sept 5, 2016 10:46 AM ()
When I stayed for 15 months at my sister's Ventura County CA place way out in citrus tree territory I lived in the old quonset huts that used to be for ranch hands. My car was parked out in the area where ground squirrels, coyotes and other critters were frequent, including mice and rats galore. My sis showed me how to keep the mice and rats out of your engine compartment, where they would chew through rubber hoses to get water. You stuff dryer sheets like you use to cut down static in clothes dryers into cracks and crevices around the engine and hoses. They are repelled by the odor of the anti-static sheets. I had no problems with rats or mice after that. I had to replace several hoses and electrical wires to the spark plugs before I did it.
comment by jondude on Sept 5, 2016 5:48 AM ()
I'll try it - we did it a few years ago and it didn't work, but maybe this is a whole new crop of varmints.
reply by troutbend on Sept 5, 2016 10:41 AM ()
Wildlife has cost us about $5,000 over the past two years. Possums in the attic requiring replacement of pipes for the entire house and replacing the insulation. But I don't want them harmed, just caught and released in the wild. And Lester, the palm rat kept chewing our dishwasher hose. Bad Lester.
comment by tealstar on Sept 5, 2016 5:28 AM ()
It can really add up. We have to check our car engines all the time to make sure the ground squirrels or pack rats have not moved in and started to make nests.
reply by troutbend on Sept 5, 2016 5:40 AM ()
I loathe squirrels. They attack the pecan trees before the pecans are
ready and throw them down on the ground. I have to blow chewed up green
pecans off the backyard every day. You wouldn't believe the mess they
make. It isn't as if they got any food out of the pecans. They just
waste them.
comment by elderjane on Sept 5, 2016 3:57 AM ()
I have a bigger grudge against ground squirrels. If anything goes wrong, I blame them.
reply by troutbend on Sept 5, 2016 5:39 AM ()
Watch out--those rats and squirrels talk--they may be planning something!!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 4, 2016 9:21 PM ()
The ground squirrels, which look like large chipmunks, were not here until July, probably off at terrorist boot camp for wildlife.
reply by troutbend on Sept 5, 2016 5:38 AM ()

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