Last weekend we saw our slot club host who was on the cruise with us, and found some things out.
She got off the cruise on Thursday in Mexico because she was too seasick (or something, we never asked exactly what was wrong with her) and didn't get back to Las Vegas until Tuesday. Since she was working on the cruise (being a slot host), she is trying to get reimbursed by her employee health insurance for the $7000 hospital bill plus transportation.
We told her she was lucky not to be on the boat that last day because the water was extremely choppy and lot of us were sick, some more than others, such as Mr. Troutbend, who threw up, and it probably would have killed her since she was already sick.
Two people died on board our ship during the cruise. She told us that 'Starbright' is a code word they use on their paging system when someone dies. I do remember hearing it once, and sensed it was something like that.
One of the people wanted to die on the cruise, she said: it was their last wish and they died of natural causes. Telling us that made us wonder if the other died of unnatural causes.
This has us thinking. Surely the cruise line does not want people to come on their cruises and die, so we wonder what kind of shape this person was in when they boarded. I'm picturing a Weekend at Bernie's sort of deal where a mysterious person is wheeled on deck in a chair and propped up at the swimming pool to look like he's having fun when he's really nailed to the perch and pining for fjords.
We didn't pry for details about the other person who died unexpectedly, too busy mulling over the intentional death.