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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Business Woes

Business Woes

One of my banks where I have three business accounts started charging $7 a month and $.20 per transaction for each account with no way to get it waived as in maintaining a certain minimum balance, so I had to move my accounts. They claimed this is competitive with other banks in the area, but I couldn't find a bank that didn't have free business checking except that one. They'll find out it doesn't work to be greedy.

Strangely, the new bank pays $25 per account for the old checks from the previous bank so they can shred them. That's a lot of money when you consider how long it takes to earn that much at today's interest rates! And I'll have to figure out how to enter it in my Quickbooks - it's not income, maybe it's negative bank fees.

Then, my property insurance company dropped out of the local market, so I've been waiting to hear that the application with a different company has been accepted, and I finally got the notice today. They didn't say anything about excluding damage from wildfires, but there is a $10,000 deductible for wind or hail damage. Damage from earthquakes, floods, and volcanoes is also excluded.

Oh, and in the process of dealing with the banking problem, I found out my accountant has left the office I've been working with for more than a decade. This is the second new CPA in two years, following the retirement of the really good one who used to do audits for the IRS, so I have to teach her all the ins and outs of my books. This means another early return to Colorado next spring so I can explain it to her.

After years of trying, I finally have a hollyhock in bloom. I hope it blooms earlier next year and has some friends to keep it company.


This is Rudbeckia, also called Coneflower or Black-eyed Susan, but my idea of the latter is different. It was supposed to be a perennial, but when it arrived in the mail, it was an annual. I hope it re-seeds itself.


I just have to share this with you:


posted on Sept 9, 2013 9:22 PM ()


Sending you a supportive ... and I love the hollyhock!
comment by marta on Sept 15, 2013 2:40 PM ()
hollyhocks get to be a menace here, in our climate they are the easiest plant to grow and you have to weed them out in the following year.
comment by kevinshere on Sept 11, 2013 2:32 AM ()
Straight from the mouth of my accountant - It is income. Put the $25.00 in Miscellaneous Income.
I Hollyhocks. Tried to grow them in Kamloops but those damn black thumbs thwarted my efforts.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 10, 2013 6:38 PM ()
I handle the bills, Ed handles the decisions re. where to bank and insurance stuff. Why would your new bank care whether your old checks are shredded or not? Who is the fellow in the sweater? For a minute I thought it was the President. Thanks for update on Jeri.
comment by tealstar on Sept 10, 2013 6:13 AM ()
Re: the shredding, I think that is the bank's gimmick to get people to move their accounts there instead of free checks, or toasters.
reply by troutbend on Sept 10, 2013 3:50 PM ()
You sharing the man or the sweater??????????????

Ah banks--the robbers who go free.

At least the hollyhock looks good!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 9, 2013 9:50 PM ()
Sharing the sweater. It's a vintage pattern from the 1970s, so this poor man has possibly recovered from the mortification by now.
reply by troutbend on Sept 10, 2013 3:51 PM ()

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