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Life & Events > Beanie Babies and Other Obsessions

Beanie Babies and Other Obsessions

In about 1995 Mr. Troutbend stopped collecting used science fiction paperbacks (he has about 7000 of them) and started collecting Beanie Babies and other similar toys sold by Disney.

In the mid-1990s he and some of his aerospace buddies decided Beanie Babies were an investment, and spent a lot of time during the lunch hour driving around town to find the latest and fill in their collections. When we went to Disney World in Orlando every year, Mr. Troutbend would take a day to go to every gift shop in every Disney park to find "In the Park" sets, such as the Frontier Land set that is Chip n Dale, Donald Duck and family, Mickey and Minnie Mouse all in western garb. One year his suitcase was a 12 pound carryon (total weight at the airport check-in) going and more than 40 pounds coming home.

When McDonald's had the mini-Beanie babies, he bought multiple Happy Meals, as many as 10 a day, to get them. Since he can't bear to waste food, he tried to eat it all, and I swore I could smell it as I rounded the corner into our driveway. Buddy the Cat even had his own bags of fries.

Fortunately or not, depending on how you look at it, about 7 years ago Mr. T's Beanie collecting was replaced by gambling and cigars, but now he has the toys and paperbacks stored waiting for the day when they gain some value, which I don't think will be in our lifetime.

If we die and don't tell anyone where all that is stored, the storage place can auction it all off to get their back rent, which doesn't seem to be such a bad solution.

posted on Apr 21, 2008 9:26 PM ()


The beanie baby craze was the silliest thing!
I never bought any, but DH did managed to win one of the Canada buddies that was selling for $100 at one time. He sits in a box in my basement, while I fume that I didn't sell it on ebay while he still had value!
comment by imaginaryfriend on Apr 22, 2008 8:36 PM ()
Gambling and cigars...I think the Beanie Babies would have been better.How about Pokemon cards?
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 22, 2008 6:39 PM ()
I had to laugh when I thought about all those happy meals. Ugh!
comment by elderjane on Apr 22, 2008 2:05 PM ()
Well, it is coins at our house and knives and watches that are Ted's loves. I guess I am bad too, I love flow blue and have more than I need.
comment by elderjane on Apr 22, 2008 2:04 PM ()
I guess I'm not a true collector, not being interested in value. I collect giraffes and 3 monkeys (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) 'cause I like them, period.
comment by looserobes on Apr 22, 2008 7:41 AM ()
If I were to collect anything, it would be blue glass. Ed collected Rev War muskets and at one time we had 40 in our bedroom in NYC. Some were really impressive as in having been used at Ticonderoga. He sold all but 4 before we moved to Florida. Elsewise, he would buy porcelain, but we have a lot and I rein him in because who needs porcelain in the closet?
comment by tealstar on Apr 22, 2008 6:03 AM ()
I collected the beanies for my grandson. When he left home, he took many with him but left me several. I love the little things and am reminded of my grandson when I look at them. They are strictly sentimental!
comment by angiedw on Apr 22, 2008 1:47 AM ()
My yarn collection won't be very valuable if the moths get at it.
comment by nittineedles on Apr 22, 2008 12:26 AM ()
My Ex and I used to collect Beanie Babies for several years, she even had some that at one point where pretty valuable. Then out of the blue, the market totally plummeted on them, and ones that were worth 500+ dollars, where now worth 10-20. I think she still has about 10 totes in storage filled with beanies, that, like you said, will probably never regain their value.
comment by fugzy on Apr 21, 2008 9:49 PM ()

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