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Life & Events > Tipping at Christmas

Tipping at Christmas

I'll bet the trash guys in Las Vegas miss me being there during the holidays - I always gave them $20 each when I was there.

It was a big project to listen for the truck coming and rush out there while they were at the curb in front of our house because they moved very fast. A couple of times I had to run down the street to catch them.

In the past couple of years the trucks were converted to automatically pick up the bins, eliminating the job of the guy who jumped off the back of the truck and wrestled the bins. This is a lot faster, and by the time I heard the truck, there was barely time to get out there and catch the driver.

I give the propane delivery guy a snack or candy bar whenever makes a delivery throughout the year, and in December a $20 tip. If I don't see him until spring, I give it to him then and tell him 'it's for Christmas.' I wonder how many of my neighbors tip the propane guy and their septic vault pumping people who are at their houses on a regular basis. Sometimes people around here get into a 'your paycheck is your thank-you' mode.

Here's what the US Postal Service says about tipping the mail man: "carriers are permitted to accept a gift worth $20 or less from a customer per occasion such as Christmas, and the annual limit is no more than $50. Cash and cash equivalents, such as checks or gift cards that can be exchanged for cash, must never be accepted in any amount." Last year I gave our carrier a headlamp flashlight. This year I'll come up with some other survival type thing - maybe a nice pair of leather gloves. Size? An glove company on the Internet 'selling gloves since 1847' says that glove size and shoe size are closely related. So, according to them if I knew the shoe size... Sigh. Am I going to be stalking the mail man in order to get a peek at his feet?

On that note, did you know that your foot is as long as your forearm - from the inside of the wrist to the elbow. Try it.

I saw this vehicle in a local parking lot today, was thinking 'wow! that's a long car - is that the latest version of a station wagon?' Decided it's a hearse; very attractive styling in my opinion.

posted on Dec 7, 2021 3:07 PM ()


We tip the newspaper delivery person. He leaves a Christmas card. We'd tip the others, but they don't notify us that they're waiting. I'll try the foot thing.
comment by tealstar on Dec 9, 2021 11:40 AM ()
That foot business just doesn't look right. But I'll measure tonight and report back.!
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 8, 2021 11:13 AM ()
I don't tip postmen or the garbage men but we frequently tip yard workers and handy men. You are certain to be missed in Vegas.
comment by elderjane on Dec 8, 2021 6:29 AM ()
How are you defining/measuring foot??? Doesn't work for me!
I always tip my postmen plus over the year I will give them 'things'-- bottled water, a sandwich, pastry, etc.
comment by greatmartin on Dec 7, 2021 7:29 PM ()

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