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Life & Events > Sunshine and Shadow

Sunshine and Shadow

"Sunshine and Shadow" is a quilt pattern name, and today I found out it's used regionally in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area; an Amish pattern. That layout is also referred to as "Trip Around the World." Comparing pictures, a lot of the difference is the overall color scheme and arrangement of hues. The Amish version tends to be the subdued solid colors of their clothes while the trippy version can include floral prints and brighter colors.

Sunshine and Shadow

Trip Around the World

No, I'm not going to make a quilt in either one of these patterns because I have a couple of quilt projects of my mother's to finish first.

Today, Sunshine and Shadow came to mind as a way to describe our recent weather. Up until this first week of June, our days were in the 50 degrees F area, our nights around 33 degrees, with rain. Even the Memorial Day holiday weekend was not a good one to go camping around here. But then the heat wave arrived, and all of a sudden we have summer weather. Our overnight lows are 50 degrees F, daytime highs are in the 70s nudging the 80s. Now our transplanted seedlings can start getting down to the business of blooming and producing fruit and vegetables.

Bears? Yes, the bears are out. One of them visited us the other day at 1:15 pm. I was proud of myself for running out to yell at it like we're supposed to instead of taking pictures and waiting to see what happens next.

Mice? Nothing like last year's over-population, but we're on alert.

Wildfires? Our part of the state has had a lot moisture, so we are out of the drought for now. But the western side of our state is experiencing extreme drought, and last year we found out wildfires can jump over the Continental Divide and burn us all down. Also, we have a long hot summer ahead of us.

posted on June 6, 2021 7:59 AM ()


Reminds me of the quilts my paternal grandmother made!
comment by marta on June 9, 2021 7:09 AM ()
My aunt and my grandmother had a a quilting frame up all winter. If you visited them, you were expected to hand quilt while you caught up on family "doings".

comment by elderjane on June 7, 2021 2:40 AM ()
I've seen where people would use ropes and pulleys to pull the frame up to the ceiling to get it out of the way but it was still handy. If we'd been able to enclose our screened porch (before the lumber prices increased 80%) maybe we could have done something like that out there.
reply by traveltales on June 7, 2021 12:08 PM ()
Please post pictures of quilts you've made, I love handmade sewing stuff. And congratulations on your bear bravery.
comment by drmaus on June 6, 2021 12:05 PM ()
Will do... There is a big plastic tub of quilts out in the (covered) back of the truck - I packed them for wildfire evacuation, left them there.
reply by traveltales on June 7, 2021 12:09 PM ()
My grandmother quilted and a couple of her daughters do, but I think they are the last of the line. I wonder if I could get some of my daughters interested soon? Hmmm....
We remember you and your lovely property fondly. So glad we've stayed in touch. Be well.
comment by jerms on June 6, 2021 11:46 AM ()
I have been thinking about what motivates someone to want to make quilts. For me, they have always been a magical thing because of the time and thought that goes into making them - I always feel close to my grandmother or mother when I look at their quilts. My personal motivation is 'how would these colors/patterns look together.'

One time I thought it was important that my little cousins should have quilts for their American Girl dolls because when I was a kid a big part of having a doll was having a bed for it: putting it to bed, tucking it in. So I made doll quilts. But the next summer when they came here with their dolls, I could see that those particular dolls didn't care about going to bed - they were more into 'going to school' and other daytime things.

A starter project leading to quilts can be making potholders from fabric scraps - same general skill set. And if there's grandmothers- making a potholder for grandma makes a person think about making a whole quilt as a gift for someone as a nice gift.
reply by traveltales on June 7, 2021 12:25 PM ()
We have been having perfect 'tourist's weather'---sunny, blue skies, cooling breeze and, up until yesterday, low humidity BUT we will be getting afternoon showers which brings high evening, sticky humidity!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 6, 2021 10:06 AM ()
So you think of me as humid!!!!
reply by greatmartin on June 7, 2021 3:28 PM ()
It gets humid here once in awhile and I think of you down there in Florida.
reply by traveltales on June 7, 2021 12:26 PM ()

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