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Life & Events > Stay at Home Orders

Stay at Home Orders

Yesterday the State of Colorado announced a state-wide stay-at-home order at the same time as our county announced their own stay-at-home order. The state's started at 6 am this morning, the county's at 5 om this afternoon,so everyone is confused. And the orders expire on different dates, too, so that'll be another mess.

It will no doubt get clarified, just hope the clarification doesn't add to the confusion. Both orders allow us to go to the grocery store, pick up take out restaurant food and mixed drinks, and go to the doctor, etc. Essential businesses are not required to close, so many people are still able to go to work - the definition is broad.

Just to show you where my head's been:

Yesterday I noticed the dome light on my car had been on for a couple of days, so decided I'd better drive the 10 mile round trip to pick up the mail to try to put some charge on the battery. Our rural post office is seldom busy, so social distancing is not a problem there.

Going out the door, I asked myself if I needed to mail anything. "Nope...all caught up." But then today up pops the reminder on my calendar that Jeri's (aka elderjane) birthday is tomorrow. As one of my high school friends used to say: "Crap on a Cracker" because I'm not going to be able to get a card to her in time.

Yes, I had reminders set for earlier in the month, but time has just streaked by. All of a sudden April is just around the corner.

However, this will give me a chance to use one of my years-old belated birthday cards, so that's the silver lining. I purchased the one I'm probably going to send in the late 1970s. It cost $.35. Yes, that's thirty-five cents. Those were the days! I hope it transports her back those many years, like a time machine.

posted on Mar 26, 2020 8:51 AM ()


Sorry! I forgot to open the post in Edit and close it so the line breaks would work.
comment by traveltales on Mar 26, 2020 3:24 PM ()
Good for your state to have done that, I wish all of them would do this. It's harder to recall what day of the week it is now, though.
comment by drmaus on Mar 26, 2020 12:54 PM ()
I have totally lost track of what day of the week it is. Tuesday felt like Saturday, and it seems like we've been slogging through this for at least a month, but it's only a couple of weeks. On a daily basis closures of major segments of our local economy were closed, and as it progresses, more and more people are devastated and upset.
reply by traveltales on Mar 26, 2020 3:27 PM ()
They don't have to tell me twice to stay the hell away from people. We went shopping yesterday for fill-in groceries and I kept my mind on the list. I fit the profile of the people who bit the dust in Wuhon.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 26, 2020 11:54 AM ()
I have enough food in the house to last a month, but find myself not wanting to use it because what if I can't replace it.
reply by traveltales on Mar 26, 2020 3:28 PM ()
Don't worry--she knows you are thinking about her plus she knows you are getting old (that happens when you reach 30!) so she'll forgive you!!
I am on day 10 of being 'locked up' ARGH!!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 26, 2020 9:01 AM ()
Probably so. I'm excited about eventually foisting this old card off on her.
reply by traveltales on Mar 26, 2020 3:29 PM ()

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