The Space Needle was built in Seattle for the 1962 World's Fair. We went to it that year, and one of my favorite things was the unique ice cream cone sold at the Fair: they glued two cake-type cones together at the flat bottoms, and filled the top one with soft-serve ice cream. Then, they put a big wafer cookie on it and some more soft serve, so it looked like the Space Needle.
We stood in line to get to go up to the top of the Needle for a long time, and couldn't wait for our turn because the people coming down got out of the elevator just laughing and laughing. What could possibly be so funny?
Finally, our turn came, we went up, we came down, and at the bottom the elevator operator said "Let's have a nice smile for the folks in line." You had to be there, but after all that anticipation, we couldn't help but laugh.
Here is the website for the anniversary:
Space Needle 50th Anniversary