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Travel > Las Vegas: Stay off the Streets

Las Vegas: Stay off the Streets

It's open season on pedestrians in Las Vegas this year. They have already had more fatalities in the first 3 1/2 months of 2012 than they had all of 2011.

Not a day goes by but there is a news item about a car striking a pedestrian somewhere in the greater Las Vegas area and usually killing them. The accidents don't happen daily, but the stories linger for a few days as the coroner identifies the victims and the police decide whether to press charges.

One especially bad case was where a 78 year-old woman ignored a crosswalk and mowed down several children, killing a couple of them. Then, there was the one about the school bus that ran over one of the students and killed her. The ones where the pedestrian was jay-walking are fairly common, especially near the off-strip casinos, and the police don't have a lot of sympathy for them.

There are crosswalks, of course, but drivers tend to ignore them. Sometimes the Metro police set up a sting operation to catch these scofflaws. They dress up in costumes: turkey at Thanksgiving, Santa suit at Christmas. This is so they are more visible, but the drivers still whiz right by and get ticketed.

I was telling Mr. Troutbend to be more careful and always use the crosswalks, but he pointed out that this year there have been several instances where cars have gone up onto the sidewalks and injured or killed pedestrians.

One of the car on the sidewalk cases was an elementary school teacher who was driving drunk early in the morning, hit a bus shelter with a teenager in it, and he lost both his legs.

I'm sure cell phones and other distracted driving plus drunk or drugged driving all play a part, but not in every case. Nevada recently passed a no hand-held cell phone law, but there are still a lot of people ignoring it, just like they ignore the laws regarding driving drunk.

Really, the only solution is to not be a pedestrian in Las Vegas.

Here are some of the characters on the Strip. You are supposed to pay them for posing for a picture with you.

posted on Apr 16, 2012 10:44 AM ()


Yikes! Sounds scary. Sadly I can totally see it happening...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 18, 2012 10:33 AM ()
Three times more accidents this year than last. The police are blaming speeding.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2012 11:36 PM ()
Good grief! People ignoring crosswalks??? There are some places one cannot access by car, taxi or bus.
comment by redimpala on Apr 17, 2012 6:48 PM ()
It's always been a mecca for horrible drivers, with a lot of drunk drivers plowing into buildings day and night, but for some reason (ever since they passed that law to outlaw cell phones while driving) there have been so many more fatal car-pedestrian accidents.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2012 11:38 PM ()
My, I am old. I don't even know who the characters are supposed to be.
comment by elderjane on Apr 16, 2012 5:30 PM ()
Homer Simpson and those two that aren't yellow are the Mario Brothers (or something like that) from one of the old video games.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2012 11:39 PM ()
Sounds like South Florida--and it is mostly old folfs--that's the arguments for NOT taking away their driver's licenses when they hit 80--we don't want them walking!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 16, 2012 2:50 PM ()
A lot of the accidents in Las Vegas are caused by old folks, and a lot of the rest of the old folks are the victims when the drunk 30-somethings run red lights and plow into them.
reply by traveltales on Apr 20, 2012 11:41 PM ()
well good luck if you want to stay out of Vegas.Never been there and have no desire to attend Las Vegas.But then again people are just crazy hitting this town.
comment by fredo on Apr 16, 2012 2:28 PM ()
It's a crazy place, a favorite with some, other people aren't interested. Right now, it's dangerous to be walking around there.
reply by traveltales on Apr 16, 2012 2:49 PM ()

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