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It's Where?

Travel > Hallways


Red Rock Resort and Casino

Planet Hollywood

The Orleans

Aria (at City Center) It's built as intersecting arcs, so that's not a mirror illusion, it's two separate hallways.

Hooters Hotel

Luxor Tower (not the Pyramid part)

The Hotel (upscale part of Mandalay Bay)

Palazzo (affiliated with The Venetian)

posted on Dec 5, 2010 1:40 PM ()


Planet Hollywood turns me off but I sure do like the Pallazio.
comment by elderjane on Dec 7, 2010 6:43 AM ()
Wonderful hallways ( I wouldn't mind the third picture down)! I see what Fredo means, the lower hallways do, have a spooky atmosphere about them ( I like 'spooky' too )
comment by febreze on Dec 5, 2010 5:49 PM ()
. . . or is it 57 . . . can't remember how old I am now . . .
reply by febreze on Dec 6, 2010 1:29 PM ()
- Cor, that's a relief . . . I'm in the next bracket . . . 40 - 56
reply by febreze on Dec 6, 2010 1:26 PM ()
I think the darkness is to give people the idea that they should be quiet, not yelling at their friends 10 feet down the hall or those still in the room getting ready to join them - in the wee hours of the night. Drunk 30 - 40 something women are the worst offenders because they seem to think they are adorable when they are drunk and they run in packs and feed off one another's hilarity.
reply by traveltales on Dec 6, 2010 12:57 PM ()
I end up in a lot of hotels with halls like the Orleans and my room is always waaaaay at the other end.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 5, 2010 2:04 PM ()
I always hope my room will be far from the ice machine room and any tile floors like some places have in the elevator lobbies because people coming in late or leaving early will wake you up with the ticky-ticky of their luggage wheels on that tile.
reply by traveltales on Dec 5, 2010 2:30 PM ()
Those hallways looks spooky to me.Remind me of the Stephen King movie
"The Shinning"Have a phobia on hall ways.Can you try kitchen the next time.
comment by fredo on Dec 5, 2010 1:48 PM ()
They really are creepy, aren't they? The fancier the place thinks it wants to be, the darker the hallways.
reply by traveltales on Dec 5, 2010 2:26 PM ()

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