On Sunday, March 4th, the Tiffin Art Guild will open its Jon Adams exhibit at 3 p.m. The exhibit will be open for two weeks and will feature other Tiffin Art Guild members as well. The gallery is located at 178 S. Washington St., Tiffin, Ohio.
Here is honeysuckle for luck:

In Scotland, it was believed that if honeysuckle grows around the entrance to the home it would prevent a witch from entering. In other places it's believed that grown around the doors it will bring good luck. If it grows well in your garden, then you will be protected from evil. Bringing the flowers into the house will bring money with them. Honeysuckle has long been a symbol of fidelity and affection. Those who wear honeysuckle flowers are said to be able to dream of their true love. In the Victorian era there was a ban on young girls bringing honeysuckle into the home because it was believed to cause dreams that were far too risqué for their sensibilities. Honeysuckle is one of the Bach Flower Remedies used to counter feelings of nostalgia and homesickness.
Here is some lucky bamboo.

While I was looking for ideas, I found this unbelievable mess. What a waste of fresh flowers, can't believe FTD would sell this, can't believe anyone would buy it.

"The Time to Celebrate Rainbow Rose Bouquet is a burst of vibrant color that adds that extra special touch to any special occasion! These kaleidoscope inspired roses have been dyed so that each petal displays a different vibrant hue of either yellow, blue, green, purple or pink to create a unique bouquet that turns any celebration into an extraordinary time. A perfect gift for birthdays, graduations, and to send a message of congratulations! " Yikes!
Anyhow, best of luck, Jon! Wish I was there!