It's a lovely 75 degree day here in the Rockies, sunny with a nice breeze. It can get into the 90s this time of year, so we are enjoying this.
I ran out to the bridge to wave to kayakers on the river, and stopped to say hello to 'the neighbors' - our cabin guests next door. The women were sitting all bundled up on the front porch eating Fritos and Cheetos and complaining about how cold it is, and they want the sun to come around and shine on the front yard. So I didn't mention that I think the cooler weather is perfect. Pretty soon they will start the heavy drinking, so won't notice the weather as much.

We had an uneventful Fourth of July. For once Mr. Troutbend didn't go to Las Vegas for the 4th. He goes to check on the house, and will go next week. I found out the timing doesn't have anything to do with keeping me company over a holiday - it has to do with trash pickup day in Las Vegas. He's got some things he wants to put out. This marks the middle of his time here, and there's quite a few projects we need to complete in the few weeks left before he leaves for the fall and winter bowling league season in Las Vegas.