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Travel > When Deer Attack - Video from Colorado

When Deer Attack - Video from Colorado

This was taking during a skateboard race down Lookout Mountain west of Denver, Colorado. There's strong language, so turn off your sound if you are sensitive, but don't miss this video.

If you ever get a chance to see the movie "Ride the Divide" you'll be glad you did. I recorded it from The Documentary Channel. It's about a mountain bike race on the back mountain roads from Canada to Mexico. The scenery is phenomenal.

Are you ready for fall weather? We have two more days of nice, and then our daily highs drop from the 70s to the 50s and overnight lows are going to flirt with 31 degrees.

posted on Oct 1, 2012 2:45 PM ()


I worried about the guy and the deer and understood why the deer was enraged.
That giant blister got to me. Yikes! However do they keep going?
comment by elderjane on Oct 4, 2012 4:22 PM ()
Next day, the TV station interviewed the guy who hit the deer, and he said he just grabbed onto its neck and held on until they got to the shoulder and they wiped out.

Those bike racers were really something. At the beginning of the showing, the directors said it has resulted in divorces, but I couldn't find out which of them that was.
reply by traveltales on Oct 7, 2012 6:57 AM ()
Amazing how fast they're going!
comment by steve on Oct 2, 2012 7:09 AM ()
The TV news said they were going 40 mph. I thought it was nice that the road was closed so they could skateboard down it - it's up the face of Lookout Mountain, lots of switchbacks. Buffalo Bill's grave is up at the top.
reply by traveltales on Oct 2, 2012 9:03 AM ()
Looks like an interesting movie. I've seen all the Everest movies and adventure stuff like that, but never bikes.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 1, 2012 7:41 PM ()
It's really well done - the scenery and the music are perfect compliments to the story. One thing that makes it real is there is not a cameraman assigned to each racer all the time. Most of the time the racers are out in the wilderness alone, and don't see other racers for days, so the vignettes we see are more precious, and we get that sense of isolation and waiting to hear from the racers to hear where they are and how they are doing. There were four guys who stayed together, and they came in third - a tie for third place. At night they stayed in motels and they ate junk food from the gas station. One of them was vegan, and it was funny to watch him try to find something uncooked and vegan in a convenience store. He decided green stuffed olives met his requirement, although I think they got cooked in processing.
reply by traveltales on Oct 2, 2012 9:14 AM ()
Nice of the camera guy to express his appreciation for the unscheduled entertainment before expressing concern for his fellow racer.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 1, 2012 3:30 PM ()
I expected the TV news to tell us the deer was okay first, and then mention that the skate boarder was also not seriously injured. All he had was some road rash.
reply by traveltales on Oct 2, 2012 9:15 AM ()

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