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Travel > Animal Arson: Squirrel Causes Pickup Fire

Animal Arson: Squirrel Causes Pickup Fire

Squirrel causes vehicle fire

Wednesday afternoon an older couple was driving their Dodge pickup truck on US Highway 385 just south of Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota when they smelled smoke. The driver told us that it smelled like a forest fire but they could not see any nearby — until the interior of the truck filled with smoke. They pulled over and called 911 on their cell phone and then stood on the side of the road several hundred feet away with their two dogs as the truck burned, waiting for what they thought was the inevitable explosion — just like they have seen so many times in movies.

The occupants said that after they pulled over they saw pine cones dropping out of the engine compartment as the truck burned. They figured that while they had been camping, a squirrel had designated their truck as a storage facility for its’ winter food supply. The pine cones must have been close to an exhaust pipe which caused them to ignite.

Below is an enlargement of the area below the truck’s engine, with arrows pointing out some of the pine cones that were still recognizable.

More articles that are tagged “animal arson” – the 10th in the series — so far.

posted on Sept 26, 2012 10:14 PM ()


comment by maggiemae on Sept 27, 2012 8:41 PM ()
We've got all the elements up here: plenty of squirrels and plenty of pine cones.
reply by troutbend on Sept 29, 2012 10:24 PM ()
I hope Geico covers squirrels.
comment by steve on Sept 27, 2012 7:59 AM ()
Force of nature?
reply by troutbend on Sept 29, 2012 10:24 PM ()
The moral of the story is don't go camping!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 27, 2012 7:53 AM ()
That's right - people should learn.
reply by troutbend on Sept 29, 2012 10:25 PM ()
A squirrel ate through the wooden molding around the door of my shed to nest inside. I found what looked more like a bird's next on top of the tractor's fuel tank inside the engine compartment. Fortunately the nest wasn't on the air intake since I didn't discover it until after I finished mowing and started to brush the debris off the machine. Insulation had also been pulled from the engine compartment of the truck on another occasion. Locals aren't a bit surprised by this. Checking wires and tubing is recommended since the critters seem to be attracted to things that have been touched by humans: presumably because of salt, but who knows....
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 27, 2012 7:11 AM ()
Around here they chew through the windshield washing and radiator tubes to get at the antifreeze.
reply by troutbend on Sept 29, 2012 10:26 PM ()
It could have been a pack rat. When we were on the farm, a pack rat got
into our car and stored pecans in the engine compartment.
comment by elderjane on Sept 27, 2012 6:13 AM ()

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