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Life & Events > This and That. a Few Notes on My Week So Far.

This and That. a Few Notes on My Week So Far.

We headed for the gym yesterday evening, all three of us. Alexander was told that he was going to the nursery, and that I was going to do some exercise. He took that really well and went in nicely and didn't make a fuss.
Richard and I did about 40 minutes in the gym which was a good start. All in all we had a good couple of hours out of the house. Things can only get better.

I have been really good on my diet, and only had one bad day, which is good. I don't feel as if I am on a diet. I hope that I am doing it right? The main principle is that you cook your own fat free meals, no processed foods, and eat only three meals a day, and that they should be small enough not to leave you feeling stuffed and bloated, but sufficiently full. Bread is counted as points, and pasta and rice should be brown.
Any snacking should be a piece of fruit or veg, but not to over indulge as then I would be eating an extra meal. I really hope I've done ok.

Alcohol wise, I have only had a drink on Saturday. It was Paul's birthday and we went out for the afternoon/evening.

I have also switched to decaffeinated coffee because I realized that the caffeine variety was causing me to become very agitated and preoccupied, and then drained of energy, perhaps I was tripping on caffeine. I felt like an elastic band being tightened more and more. I have also ditched the medication prescribed to me by the doctor, which I was not taking correctly. I would go day's on end with out taking it and then take it again. Which made me feel as described above also. Better to do without and find another method of mood control.

The electrician is coming back today. I got electric shocks from the hob last night. It has never happened before, but usually I wear shoes whilst out the kitchen. Last night I was only wearing socks. Most of the dinner was cooked before I had the shock so me turning the hob off was OK. Gravy on the other hand had to be the instant variety, and my God was it awful! It ruined dinner.

Up at the school there have been a few changes. The school has won a grant to fund the build if a new multi sensory teaching room, which is great news. Alexander's section to the playground is now barrier -ed off and out of bounds, so he has to line up outside the other school doors and walk to his classroom without me. Yesterday I had to go with him, but today he lined up and went on his own, even if he did look very apprehensive. This can only be good for him, as he is expected to enter school this way from September anyway. Soon he will be staying on later to have lunch to get him ready for September also.

Time to tidy up now. Bye.

posted on June 17, 2008 2:39 AM ()


Sounds as if things are going better, but I couldn't live without my coffee, no way, no lie.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 2:01 PM ()
I couldn't survive without my caffeine! but that is a consequence of working nights I suppose. good that you are sticking in there, I don't have the discipline for the gym or a diet at the moment...
comment by ekyprogressive on June 17, 2008 2:43 AM ()

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