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Parenting & Family > Childcare > So Why Should it Bother You?

So Why Should it Bother You?

I was annoyed in town today by the attitude of strangers towards the mother of a child who was throwing a tantrum. The little girl seemed to be a little older than Alexander,who is nearly four years old. Yes admittedly she was creating one hell of a racket, but her mum was trying her best to resolve the situation. Once the mother had said her piece she walked on with the child behind still performing and screaming.

As I walked into a shop the two old biddy's in front of me were verbally ripping this mother to bits. Saying how children didn't behave like that in her day, and how the child needed a damn good seeing to, and how poor this woman was as a mother.

One of the old ladies walked away, and the other came besides me, and was clearly not through with putting down this other mother, and expecting me to agree with her as for once my little boy was being a little angel!

She picked the wrong woman this time! I told her very nicely that we can't possibly know what the problem was with the child and that we have no right to judge. I told her that I have a child with mild autism, and if he started to perform that there was little I could do to defuse the situation. Her response to this was that anyone can see the difference between a child who has something wrong with it and naughty child. To this, again I had to disagree. I told her that no one could tell if my son has a mental disability just by looking at him. He looks perfectly normal. Off she stormed with a sour look on her face.

It is now against the law to smack a child hard enough to leave a mark on it's body. What good is a tap on the hand?

Parents these days have to resort to different methods of control. We have to get down to the child's level and tell them that they are being naughty. Then if this does not work we have to ignore the behavior as it is thought that continually responding to the child is giving the child what it wants; your attention.

The real question is Why should it bother passers by anyway? After all they can walk away, the parent can't.
Just because we don't beat our children does not mean that we are raising the next generation of yobs and hooligans, it just means that we are not physically abusing them.

I am not a soft mother. I expect good behavior from my children and those which I am taking care of. I don't always get what I want, and when Alexander is screaming around town, I let him scream the tantrum away. He still has to do what it is that I want him to do one way or another. He gets ignored until he behaves. The minute he behaves he gets rewarded with my attention. The tantrums soon go away.

Do people really want to see us hitting our children?

posted on June 30, 2008 6:16 AM ()


Hi Tracy, I am glad that I am not old. I am only 78.
comment by larryb on July 5, 2008 4:59 AM ()
Read your post and your replies, and I think you are doing just fine as a parent! Sensible and reasonable. Consistency when disciplining a child is by far the most effective approach, and no, children don't have to be hit to understand the difference betweeen right and wrong.
comment by dragonflyby on June 30, 2008 5:41 PM ()
I hate judgemental people, and old people are the worst. I know. I have a ton of them in my complex. My policy with my kids when they misbehaved in public was to go straight to the car and home. I never embarrassed them in public, but they got a long lecture at home on what was acceptable in public and what was not. Then, they spent some time in their rooms contemplating it.
comment by redimpala on June 30, 2008 9:49 AM ()
Ummmm, I can see what you were saying, but, I have got to admit that I am of an opinion that a 'naughty' child - as opposed to a child with autism -
ought to be chastised - even with a smack. It stops the child 'working themselves up into a frenzy' - thus limiting, the upset, the child would be putting him/herself through - and also the 'mothers' anxiety.
I also have to disagree with you about the children 'not', growing up into 'yobs' and the like - - watching the 'behaviour' of children from 9yrs. upwards, around here (en route to the park) is 'ludicrous'!!! I do, believe it stems from the lack of 'proper' discipline at home.
I think a lot of people of my age (and, obviously older) do have the same opinion.
I have seen some poor mums out shopping with their children and one kiddie in particular, was trowing a tantrum. The 'mum' held firm and stood her ground - the little'un had wanted a bar of chocolate or 'something', anyway, the kiddie landed a heck, of a 'kick' to his mums shin!!! She merely told the child off - did it stop him from carrying on??? Did it heck! I had felt sorry for her - perhaps I still do in a way - if this crazy government hadn't allowed this law to be enforced, I doubt very much if it would have occured in the first place!
Anyway Tracy, have you looked at the suggestions I came up with for a fitness regime? I saw it on MSN last evening an was amazed at how many calories can be gotten rid of by staying in doors
Try it with 'Chubby Checker' - it'll be fun doing it
comment by augusta on June 30, 2008 9:22 AM ()
Some people just feel more comfortable about themselves when they are ripping others down. We have to not let those kinds of people get to us.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 30, 2008 8:45 AM ()

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