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Life & Events > Good Afternoon.

Good Afternoon.

Trying to get through another week with my new healthy lifestyle. Last week was so full of sickness and hospital appointments that I did not manage to get to the gym. Going to the gym in the evening is something that I no longer wish to do. The reason being That Idon't want to dash out of the house as soon as Paul comes home from work, and also if I work out that late at night I will be unable to sleep at night, and I need a s good a night's sleep as I can get.

It's so much easier to live an un-healthy life style!

The boy's birthday's are coming up. Paul has booked his holidays for this month too, so money is going to be tight.
We took Alexander to toys r us on Friday night, and we looked at bikes for him. He has been going on about going for a bike ride, so we thought he might want a big boy's bike. He did manage to pedal a good bit, so we decided that we would buy him a bike. The cheapest in toys r us was about £60.00. I managed to buy one from for £35.00, so that's Alexander done.
Richard on the other hand has much more expensive tastes, but he too will only have £35.00

posted on June 29, 2008 7:27 AM ()


Tracy, I saw the comment left by augusta and your reply...I'm wondering if you have any amount of space in a backyard or sideyard where you could put a stationary exercise bike. You could always cover it over with a tarpaulin or plastic cover sheet...even an old shower curtain or two.

Also, on the note of jumping rope...I can't believe you're not that coordinated! Here's a little tip...get a rope of whatever length you need to tie each end to a fence post, rail, clothes line pole, tree, whatever. Tie one end securely to whatever it is, tie the other end to whatever is available. Make the height of the rope be anywhere from 3 to six inches above the ground...make the rope tension taut enough to maintain that height. (Twine of some sort will work, too.) Now, facing the rope, hop over it, turn and hop over. That's one way. Another way, stand with the rope to one side of you and hop over sideways, then hop back. You can also make up some moves of your own. Do as many of each or do as long as you can for a darn good workout. (This can also be done indoors, just secure each end of something rope-like to two chair legs or lower drawer handles...just improvise. Maybe you can get the boys to help in the fun...(outdoors) give each one end of a rope and have them swing it ever so slightly left to right and back again, so it's swinging back and forth. Each time the rope comes toward you, jump over it. Repeat until you "miss", then let each boy take a turn until a jump is missed.
comment by donnamarie on July 6, 2008 2:46 PM ()
You have so many other things to have to consider, but you should try to find a going-to-the-gym schedule/routine that will work for you and try to stick to it...making necessary adjustments as needed. If you need to do some things at home, walking and jogging in place, dancing around the room to some real high energy kind of music, jumping rope, jumping jacks, and things similar to this can all be done right inside the house, while walking, jogging, biking, rollerblading, etc. can be done outdoors. Just schedule something in at the times that are "free" or when you might be at the gym, anyway.

Hey, you got good prices for those bikes. Bikes can be really expensive, even those meant for children, so you did good.
comment by donnamarie on June 29, 2008 6:56 PM ()
Trouble is by not going to the gym, you may fall into the trap, of not looking after your self. Why not treat yourself to an excercise bike? It hasn't got to be 'state of the art' or, expensive - check out Argos. Even if you used it only occasionally, it's better than not working out at all

comment by augusta on June 29, 2008 3:00 PM ()

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