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Arts & Culture > My Addiction. Do You Have One? What Got You Hooked

My Addiction. Do You Have One? What Got You Hooked

Ok calm down , my addiction is nothing stronger than a good book. Here's how my habit developed.

I have my mother and my grandmothers to thank for this obsession. My mother was and as far as I know, still is a book junkie too, my grandmother was definitley addicted right up to the day she died. I need never buy another book, she left me enough books to last forever.

We grew up surrounded by books of all sorts, reference, fictional and factual. I learned a simple book could change your world! Honestly it happened for me as a 10 year old. I will tell you that story quickly and get back to the post.

In primary school I was hated by one particular teacher. Why she hated me I will never know. I will have to ask my mum if she knows why? During my last year in primary school we were studying the Roman empire and the exploration of outer space.

I was able to take in to school the following day a library equivilent of books on both subjects. From then on the teacher from hell loved me. All because of a few books.

Back to my addiction. Here's how It started.

These are the first books I ever read. Peter, Jane and Pat the dog became firm friends.

That series continued right through primary school.

The next string of books I remember having was started off by my Nanna. Whilst out shoping in the local paper/conefectory shop. She bought me an Enid Blyton Brer Rabit book.

I read all of that series and they led on to The famous four, fabulous five and secret seven. My mother influenced this turn as she said how much she enjoyed them as a girl. I really loved what these children did. They were my heroes!

Then came Judy Blume. I learned a lot about growing up from these books, and I would recomend them to any teanage girl with a young mind.

Next my mum and I got into the I Claudius series on television. That spured me on to read the books. I was already a favorite of the school librarian , but when I started reading these books, her reguard for me, rose even higher.

After this period in my life from about the age of 14 onwards, I cannot remember being such a keen reader. I read a few books, which I finished, but they didn't relight the passion. I suppose I was stuck somewhere in a litracy time warp, where I was either too old or too young for the books available .

The love of reading was rekindled big time whilst on holiday in Greece. Whilst lying bored and burning on a sun lounger on the beach, a friend we had made asked me if I wanted to read the book she had just finished. OMG it was amazing. I was afraid to turn the page, yet couldn't put the book down. I will alway's be greatful to Sarah for lending me that book.

Here is the book.

This isn't the same cover as the one I read. Even the cover of the one I read was captivating!

From then on I read all James Herberts books, along with countless others. The most recent author to leave me wanting to read more is Nora Roberts ,and "THE SISTERS ISLANDS TRILOGYS". These ae amazing reads.

Dance upon the air. Heaven and Earth, and Face the fire. I think I have them in the right order!

These are stories of six people, men and women who are decendants of three sister white witches who created an island for themselves to escape death from witch hunters. When the islands existance is threatend by a dark force from the past, they find themseves drawn together to protect it, using methods only two of them knew they had, and the others never believed really existed.

An awesome collecton of books. The kind you want the author to keep on writing. A serious favorite of mine.

Well I hope you liked the journey into my addiction, and thank you for reading.

posted on June 2, 2008 6:01 AM ()


I love your addiction too. I just commented on someones blog about leaving the library with too many books to carry... it is comforting for me.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 3, 2008 4:44 PM ()
Oh My God! I have both Robert Graves books and "I Claudius"
is one of my absolutely favorites! I saw the BBC series of
"I Claudius" and it was great! The actress who played Olivia was deliciously evil, and Caligula was superbly done.

comment by susil on June 3, 2008 3:38 PM ()
I used to read 2, sometimes 3 books at the same time when I was a child. And, I read encyclopedias like they were storybooks...I loved reading an "article", then going to other "recommended reading" at the end of each one. (This habit began when I would get a new volume of the children's encyclopedia each month at the grocery store.) By the time I was 12, I had read most of the "children's" classics (Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, Gulliver's Travels, etc.) and all sorts of series (Nancy Drew, for instance). I continued to read until about 15 or 16, then it dropped off until I was in my 20's. It dropped off again in my 30's, but I did go through waves of reading in between, all the way to turning 50. Then my eyesight starting changing but I couldn't afford new glasses, so I slowly gave it up. Now, though, I have new glasses and have started reading again. I read 4-6 books (usually 2 at a time) and then take a break. I'm due to start another reading stretch again any day now.
comment by donnamarie on June 2, 2008 8:22 PM ()
I used to inhale books like air! Read them like crazy. Now I reserve my fun reading for the summer because so much of th eyear is taken up with reading textbooks.
comment by teacherwoman on June 2, 2008 4:50 PM ()
I thought Joel Chandler Harris wrote the Brer Rabbit books? Anyway, I like your literary history.
comment by solitaire on June 2, 2008 1:18 PM ()
, Man, they bring back memories (especially the Secret 7 books)!!!
I can remember the teacher you were talking about - wasn't it Mr. Hopkins? (the twat)! Tell you another thing Tracy (meant to tell Lynnette about this too), can you recall, many, years ago when I had been studying a book about the Romans in Wales? I found a small reference to 'Banwen' - I had 'crossed referenced' it with a 'Roman' name for the village (Banwen-something or other) and found that a house/mud hut/ dwelling of some description, was in fact, the BIRTHPLACE of St. Patrick! It is on the 'Camnant road' - remember? I had told you, Lynnette (possibly John as well - can't remember how old he would have been at the time) to let your teachers of my findings. I don't think anything came of it, and, ultimately, I forgot all about it, untill one evening when I heard them talking about a 'teacher', having 'FOUND' the 'birthplace of St. Patrick'!!! - I yelled to Chris to come and listen (fortunately, he had heard me when I had told him of the discovery I had made years ago). They had even placed a 'plaque' in the property, saying that it was the birthplace! Now 'this', teacher, didn't teach at Maesmarchog, but he did live up School road. He was the teacher who used to catch the bus in the mornings to go to Llangatwg, I believe. His name may, have been 'Morgan' - I am not sure. At the moment, I am trying to recall a book I had read about 1990. It is a novel, based in South Wales during the time of the Rebecca Riots and also the Iron Masters (Dic Penderyn and the other martyrs). I think, the book was one of the trilogy that Alexander Cordell wrote. The reason I want to find it is because of a conversation had by me and Lynnette earlier today, I want prove something to her about the 'goings on' in the 18-19th centurys in the villages of Wales (at least, the Soth Wales valleys).
Keep reading - and always encourage the children to read too
comment by augusta on June 2, 2008 10:43 AM ()
Hey Tracy I think that is wonderful!! This is a very good addiction.
comment by texastar on June 2, 2008 6:14 AM ()
I, too, love to read, but don't make the time. When I am "reading", I am doing nothing else....I remember well when the kids were young, and I would be reading a good book.....they'd want lunch, they'd want to go out and play, they'd want supper....and it was always "just let me finish this chapter...." I get so into the books I read. My favs of late have been more along what my daughter calls "self-help" book...she hates it when I read them, because she knows she is in for a dose of optimism from me!! But the books my Joel Osteen have been particularly moving for me.....they are Your Best Life Now and Becoming A Better You. My sisters have read them but not gotten out of them what I have....but that's okay! They just really speak to me.
comment by dakmom on June 2, 2008 6:08 AM ()

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