Well, I'm definitely coming off the Christmas Happy High and back to reality. There's a house to clean, tree to take down, decorations to remove and life gets back to the quasi normal that it has always been. Not sure what normal is in this day and age and economy.
The post Christmas blahs are always a disease I fight after Christmas. New Year's has never been a big day for me. It's just another day, but then a new year. We stay quiet, watch football and the silly shows on TV and watch the fireworks close to where we live. Keep the dogs calm during the fireworks, they want to bark every moment. It's actually sort of a relaxing day. I don't cook a big dinner or anything. It's just a Non-Holiday to us. Christmas was fun, New Year's not so much.
Anyway, going to work through the post Christmas blahs by taking the tree down, and cleaning the living room. Yeah blahs, that'll "learn ya". Hope your day is great.