There are basically two types of people in this world, those who take take take and those who give. It is almost impossible to be neutral because if you are not giving, you have to be taking. Yep, unfortunately you can never be "somewhere in the middle."
The givers are people who give of their possessions, give of their time, give from their hearts. They are the people who volunteer, yes, but they are also the people who give without recognition. Sometimes they give small, like the widow's mite in the Bible. Sometimes they give huge and go relatively unappreciated.
I'm a giver. It's a problem. I give give give till I'm used up and exhausted, but still I continue to give. Let me be honest, I'd rather be a giver than a taker.
The takers, now these are the people who do it not only on purpose but some have been raised to be takers. They don't know how to be givers. They take anything and everything they can and have no conscience. In this day and age of instant gratification, I believe we are raising a generation of takers and it is awful to see. Funny the ones who can give don't and the ones who you would think would never have anything to give -- do.
I know people who are takers. They positively will drain you dry, not only of your resources, ,but of your emotions. I am here to say that no one in my family is a taker, they were brought up better than that, but I see many in my classroom and it scares me for the future generation.
Okay, so my take on these people is that if you are a giver, and happen to run into a taker -- stay clear of them if you want to keep your sanity.
That's my New Year's resolution and I'm going to stick to it!