(1978) Didn't see this when it originally came out, but I have seen it on TV in later years. I have seen the BeeGee's special on PBS, during pledge weeks, in the last few years. They had some scenes of Grease while they sang the song. So, I'm wondering why someone hasn't posted this before! (Maybe they did, and I didn't see it.)
I got a notification that a dear friend of mine is going to retire in June. I can't figure it out. She's not old enough to retire. She looks about 30. She is a special ed teacher, and always did a grand job. I remember when I first started, I had a child that couldn't read. I referred her and a few months later (after she was accepted in the program), I was sitting on the floor in the library with the child. She was looking through a book, and I asked if she would like to read for me. She started reading it. If I weren't already on the floor, I would have fallen. The woman is a wonder.
On another note, someone stole my idea for a blog -- yesterday! I almost fell on the floor again... No one has blogged about this before!!! That's why I'm not following up on "Silver Threads and Golden Needles" today.
And, yesterday, I wanted to answer someone in a private email. But I couldn't because I had some problems in blogging... Someone here is quite talkative at times and every time I start typing, he starts talking... Well, in order not to show up on the site, I chose the name "yesterday" as a user name (I guess I can, because eky hasn't been around for awhile... he was kidding me about having too many blogs when I was on Blogster). Now I find that name is gone... forever! Just because I didn't take it yesterday!
What I'd like to know is, can someone tap into my computer and find out what is on my word processor???
The last thing... Oh lord, more talking... so I can't think... what was I going to say? The last thing... this is a very friendly site. I have just reached 38. I know when I was younger, I was a little more contentious. Now, I find it is much better to sit back and let the fray around me settle down by itself. Actually, I found that if you're nicer, they will be nicer. Maybe we can try to keep this the "good" site.
One last last thing. I am going to write next about seductive behavior. It's about um, me so you can relax if you think it might be about you. Don't anyone write about this before I do!!! If I'm not on tomorrow, don't think you can write about it ... for at least 3 days.
Oh, by the way, I am way behind in answering you all. Forgive me... I will, but not yet. Will do it as soon as I am able.