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Once In A Lifetime

Life & Events > And Then What Happened?

And Then What Happened?

Often, I read an article in the news that something catastrophic has happened to someone. However, if it isn't death, sometimes it is never mentioned again. At times, I've read about vehicles being driven into homes or businesses. So have you. At that time, it is news. Then it's not mentioned again because there's always other news to report.

Well, it's not always simple -- the "what comes after that?" A car did drive into the home of someone I know. He and his wife have been working for three months trying to get his home repaired. They were still living with plastic sheeting over one wall as of last month. There were three walls affected. Their furniture and floors were ruined. Their porch was destroyed. As of today, their home is almost in okay shape. The only thing left is their kitchen floor. Their sprinkler system was also compromised, but they felt taking care of it themselves would be easier than going through the system. The codes and offices of the city made this a particularly slow process. I hadn't heard from them for quite awhile because they have been embroiled in this mess. I got an email three days ago.

This isn't their house (something from the web), but it could be!

posted on Feb 20, 2008 2:25 PM ()


We had someone crash into our Living Room when I was about 14. They hit the corner and knocked over out television. A lady hit the gas pedal instead of the brake...
comment by strider333 on Feb 20, 2008 3:58 PM ()
We had a couple of these in our neighbor hood.Twice this house g
got rammed inton.Right on the highway.The irony of this
it is up for sale.
comment by fredo on Feb 20, 2008 3:47 PM ()
HEY Jen... just saw you!! How's the fam?
comment by cindy on Feb 20, 2008 3:29 PM ()
yeah, most news organizatins just go for the sensational or for the story du jour. most wouldn't know what real journalism was if it bit them on the classifieds.

yer "that's 'bugg' with 2 g's, Larry" pal
comment by honeybugg on Feb 20, 2008 2:48 PM ()
Mainstream news is very frustrating and annoying. Not only don't they follow-up on stories of importance, but they don't provide any background. There was an article on ABC News last night, for example, about autism. It's guaranteed to provide false hope to thousands of parents, but the network ran it as "a breakthrough. Really disgusting.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 20, 2008 2:37 PM ()

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