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Politics & Legal > U.S. Roman Numbers

U.S. Roman Numbers

Public approval of President Bush has dipped to a new low. A survey released Thursday (AP-Ipsos Poll) had 28 percent approval of the job Bush is doing. His previous low in the poll was 30 percent last month and in February. Congress received a 23 percent approval rating. It was reported today that the first half U.S. deficit is a mind boggling 311.4 billion dollars for the first six months of this fiscal year. This is a record up 20 percent from a year ago. The U.S. trade deficit rose to 62.3 billion dollars last month. Imports of goods and services shot up 3.1 percent to an all time high of 213.7 billion dollars. Gas and diesel prices rose to all time highs on the national average to $3.36 for gasoline to $4.05 a gallon for diesel. Oil company profits hit a record for corporate profits rising to a mind blowing record of 124 billion dollars last year. It’s simple math. They were selling gasoline to the American consumer for a heck of a lot more then they were paying for it. This allowed Exxon Mobil to give their CEO Rex Tillerson an 18 percent raise to 21.7 million dollars. Investment firms are borrowing 30 billion dollars a week from the Federal Reserve due primarily to the sub-prime disaster. Health Care costs are up 87 percent since 2002. These are some sobering numbers to say the least.

The American economic ship is really drift less and there’s no plan or discussion how to fix all of this. We know the deficit will reach epic proportions of close to 500 billion dollars as America continues to fund the ill fated war in Iraq. We also know that the real deficit is probably going to be closer to 800 billion because the president will take the end of the year Social Security surplus and apply it towards the deficit and throw in a worthless Government IOU. This is not just a Republican thing, they all do it. You see, Social Security isn’t broke; they just keep snatching the fund to pay for more waste. Can you imagine having retirement funds in Bear Stearns? This is where George Bush wants you to stick your money so retirement becomes a roll of the dice and Wall Street can take your money and think up more high risk ideas on how to blow it. If you notice, it didn’t take long for them to bail out the investment industry, but for the average American caught in their loan sharking scheme, there’s no help forthcoming yet. And how can one over look one of the biggest new socialized corporatism, the oil companies. When congress got the five executives together, they were unapologetic. They just said tough luck. I’m not sure a CEO can relate to the average American.

I’m beginning to see, that the only American Dream for us Americans is when we’re sleeping. And while we’ve been sleeping Washington and business snatched it all away on us. They only make us feel like we’re part of the decision process, but we all know that there’s only two parties in this country and two way streets. Money from lobbyists were up twenty percent from a year ago and on a two way street that flow of money just shifts to who ever is in power. In American Politics we have our babysitters telling us that half of us are wrong and why to keep us divided and conquered. There’s no discussion on the news wire on public policy, just divisiveness. The left and the right play their sheepish illusionary discourse of pointing out the bad on the other side falling in line helping those in power to maintain the great divide so they can slip behind the curtain and continue to weave their illusion of two.

America continues to fight their own divisive war. Our politicians are not going to solve anything while the monopolies will continue to thrive into the new corporate socialism where they set the price and they make the rules. The free market system of open competition is diminishing at our peril. Meanwhile, we play along. This isn’t a liberal, moderate or conservative problem, it’s an American problem.

We could solve problems if logic would prevail instead of enormous economic power. Our energy problem could be solved in ten years. The United Sates has the second largest geothermal resources in the world. A 500 percent efficient resource for providing heating and air conditioning to homes and businesses. The Midwest is the Saudi Arabia of wind power. Even North Dakota, Kansas and Texas could produce enough harness able wind to meet the electrical needs of the entire country. According to Scientific American, photovoltaic and solar-thermo installations across just 19 percent of desert land in the most barren in the Southwest could supply nearly all of our nation’s supply of electricity with out any roof top installations even assuming every American owned a plug in electric car. It’s no mystery why the electric car was killed in the 90’s when today we could be paying the equivalent of 8 cent a gallon in electrical cost to drive them. The primary reason we don’t have them has not been technology, it’s been the oil companies, automakers and the UAW. Can you imagine a world with no gas stations, no oil changes and the ever profitable repair repeat business. You can do complete maintenance on an electric car with a suit and tie on.

But will this all happen. Don’t count on it because the oil companies want to continue to screw the earth while at the same time us. The only way this is going to happen is if Americans force them to do it. And we all know that’s not going to happen because it’s a challenge to get half of them out to even vote. So while America sleeps they weave their manipulation, while modern day Rome continues to burn.

posted on Apr 12, 2008 2:00 AM ()


When people have put their heads in the sand, what is left sticking up?
comment by anacoana on Apr 18, 2008 4:48 PM ()
Good post.
comment by grumpy on Apr 15, 2008 9:48 AM ()
Well that's a sad read... I can't get over the amount of money we don't HAVE that we (he) has spent...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 15, 2008 9:30 AM ()
We are in a ditch with no tow truck in sight... You're right; we could get out of this, but will we? That is the pertinent question. Politics at work is hard, but politics in politics is terrible!! (I always had an idea of the 333.)
comment by sunlight on Apr 13, 2008 10:40 PM ()
My friend,
For all intents and purposes, I agree with the gist of your post. Our ideological differences aside, all true patriots have been nauseated by every budget passed for nearly fifteen years. When these budgets are reviewed in detail it is quite obvious that the vast majority is waste. WASTE!

None of the candidates for president and damn few running for a congressional seat have any intention of changing that trend. All may pay lip service to "cutting waste", "balancing the budget", "reversing the trend".... but, when you calculate the costs associated with their chicken-in-pot promises... only the village idiots are believing it. And the rest don't care as long as they get to put their nose in the trough, too.

So, what do we do? The collapse is not that far away. Not far, at all.

The old line, Rome was not built in a day, but it looks like it now; comes to mind. I have been advocating - for decades - the principles of our Founders for this very reason.

"It's the Constitution, stupid!!!" should be our campaign slogan.

Good luck and save your empties,
comment by ancient1 on Apr 13, 2008 8:29 AM ()
oops, I agree below wasn't meant to go there
comment by strider333 on Apr 12, 2008 7:04 PM ()
I agree...
comment by strider333 on Apr 12, 2008 7:02 PM ()
Very good and very sad. More people need to educate themselves instead of being blind followers.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Apr 12, 2008 5:20 PM ()
We are going the way Rome went and it is all going to come crashing down.The middle class is disappearing. Lying and cheating have become the norm. Somehow we have to make our voices heard.
comment by elderjane on Apr 12, 2008 4:59 PM ()
Excellent post and sadly it seems, so true
But having a defeatest attitude (not you, people in general) isn't getting us anywhere either.
comment by mattguru18 on Apr 12, 2008 3:01 PM ()
Super post. Right on, sadly.
comment by solitaire on Apr 12, 2008 11:57 AM ()
"I’m beginning to see, that the only American Dream for us Americans is when we’re sleeping." Brilliant!

We could always burn dollars in those old coal-fired elecrtic plants. Soon it will be cheaper than paying for coal.
comment by jondude on Apr 12, 2008 8:57 AM ()
I don't know how many times that I have compared the US to Rome. This post is a wonderful wake-up call for all Americans to step up and be heard. It is not just the oil companies that do not understand nor care to understand the avg American. How many politicians aren't wealthy? There are two classes arising in the US, the average poor and the wealthy. What is that type of government in which the extremely wealthy and elite rule? The word has slipped my mind this morning.
comment by angiedw on Apr 12, 2008 2:27 AM ()

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