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Politics & Legal > President Barack Obama - Oct. 19, 2006

President Barack Obama - Oct. 19, 2006

From Blogster over 2 years ago

President Barack Obama

October 19, 2006 / by Strider333 / Edit Post


time for a change in this country. It’s time to leave all of the
“usual” characters behind and begin new with a leader that has the
freshness, the empathy and passion to help bring this country back
together.  I sincerely believe that he has the
qualities to return the prestige back to this country in the eyes of
the world and finalize the dream of this great country to elect a man
who is a part ancestor of slavery. I’d also like to see a woman as his
running mate. This would complete a ticket of a new hope and vision
this country has never seen and also finalize that half of our country
who didn’t even have the right to vote until 1922. Forget those gray
hairs like McCain, Kerry and the like who’ve made a career of sitting
around in the Senate.  And pleasee forget Hilary Clinton, I’m not about to relive the Clinton years or have another four years of polarization. I see no one on the landscape that offers as much as Barack Obama.  This guy is as sharp as a whip and would have the vision to hire the best and brightest for his cabinet.


think there are issues he may bring to the table that may not be
agreeable with both Progressives and Conservatives, but I sincerely
believe that his focus is to deal in areas of common issues to getting
things done. It’s clearly the only way to govern. You can’t run a
country from an extreme, it never works.


also really time to shutdown the Neoconservative vision of this country
of dominating the world through being a bully and not allow anyone to
challenge the military dominance of United States. This continues to prove to be a position of disaster. I believe John Kennedy expressed it best when he declared, Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.”  It’s
time to recognize that the world is a community and the vast majority
want their kids to grow up in a world that embraces a common interest
not continuing to edge it towards disaster. JFK also said, “The world
is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to
abolish all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life.”
Terrorism can be better dealt with, then with the current plan, which
actually is no plan. The current policy of “the New American Century”
by Neoconservatives, needs to be regulated to history as a prescription
for death and destruction. We need sanity to return to America and right now my early favorite to end this is Barack Obama.  


22 comments on President Barack Obama

  • nobullthinker said 2 years ago
    Anyone who verbalizes the empty, meaningless words "it's time for a
    change in this country" needs to be immediately ignored. The speaker
    obviously has nothing to offer. If he did he'd tell you what it is.

    I've tried to find the substance and source of the power behind
    this man Obama since he first appeared on the Chicago political scene
    about six or seven years ago. He appears and disappears like a ghost.
    He speaks only in generalities and takes no policy positions that I can
    see. I have no idea who he is or where he stands. All I know of him is
    the empty generalizations of the kind you see in this post. It's scary
    to me. I've never seen anything like it. ReplyDelete

  • Strider333 said 2 years ago
    And, yet there's plenty to read about his character, all one has to do
    is read both of his books. Yes, when he went to Iowa, he drew big
    entusiastic crowds. I can see why Neoconservatives such as yourself
    fear him, he's hard to script and pound on and draws big time crowds.
    However, the only thing foolish here is your response. Again based on
    generalities saying you don't know much because you don't read doesn't
    cut it. This is one man both Hilary and the Republicans fear, keep an
    eye on Obama... [COOL]Delete

  • gangstalking said 2 years ago
    If anyone outside of the two key parties run, you know someone not on
    the approved list, then something weird usually happens. Like with Ross
    Perot. I think America does need a change, that's a given. However make
    sure you don't leap from the fraying pan into the fire.ReplyDelete

  • Strider333 said 2 years ago
    Appreciate your thoughts...Delete

  • bigbob47 said 2 years ago
    This guy uis way too new on the political scene and has yet to prove
    where he is centered. I think he may be a strong candidate for 2012 or
    16 but he has yet to prove who he is. But he does have two more years
    to prove himself deserving of the job. My motto for 2008 is "ABC"
    (Anybody But Clinton). If she polorizes the single women in this
    country and gets them to the polls she will become the next President.ReplyDelete

  • Strider333 said 2 years ago
    You're right bigbob, he's new and hard to nail down because he doesn't
    have that long history and that's what makes him attractive. He's
    chrismatic, an element reserved for few such as a Kennedy or Reagan.
    He's a smart man that knows, in a cabinet, you need experience and
    people willing to disagree. Lincoln knew this, and it served him well
    as the book "A Team of Rivals" reveals. Bush's style of surrounding
    himself with "yes" people is his biggest downfall. Barack is someone
    that could and will have a broad base of appeal and have the ability to
    create a huge grassroot campaign of enthusiastic supporters. Keep an
    eye on this guy, he's my darkhorse candidate that I believe can
    definitely win.Delete

  • bigbob47 said 2 years ago
    You definetely have my interest...I will start watching and learning
    more about this young visionary. Anyone that could lead us from the
    darkness of where we have been for the last 14 years would be

  • missmel58 said 2 years ago
    Hear! Hear! I think new to the political scene is EXACTLY what we need.

    I agree with you about frightens me every time I hear someone say she is going to run...

    What we need is someone who will UNITE the fragmented nation not polarize it further....ReplyDelete

  • Strider333 said 2 years ago
    I agree...I agree...[THUMBUP]Delete

  • musicinme said 2 years ago
    I whole-heartedly agree with you about Barack Obama.[THUMBUP] I have
    seen interviews with him & was very impressed. He has a compassion
    that has been absent in our government for a long time.

    I must say that I was quite impressed, when he banned flying on
    corporate jets for his office. A humble man indeed.[THUMBUP] I believe
    that he would do a tremendous job as President. He cares about the
    people,& the issues which affect not only America, but the world. I
    would vote for him in a heartbeat.

    Also, I completely agree with you about Hilary Clinton.[THUMBDOWN] Good grief, we certaily don't need that again!

    JFK was an awesome President!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for your post. I truly enjoy your point of view on issues
    that impact our world. You are very compassionate &

    I have been on your other blog. How wonderful!!!![HEART][HEART] Very calming & relaxing. Bless you!!![HEART][SMILE]ReplyDelete

  • Strider333 said 2 years ago
    Thank you...I sincerely appreciate your kind words...and certainly
    agree wuth you...we need big time change and Obama may just be the
    right man for our times...[SMILE]Delete

  • mama44 said 2 years ago
    I also agree about Obama. He has such compassion for his fellow man and
    true values and morals. I feel most politicians are just liars who will
    say anything just to get to Washington and enjoy the power and money. I
    believe he would be an awesome president!![THUMBUP][THUMBUP]ReplyDelete

  • Strider333 said 2 years ago

  • whereabouts said 2 years ago
    I'm from Illinois so I'm quite familiar with Obama. He appears to be a
    very genuine person and I hear nothing but good things about him. I am
    a republican but that doesn't prevent me from seeing the individual for
    who they are. [SMILE]ReplyDelete

  • subversives said 2 years ago
    Romney in 08?Come give me your thoughts on my post regarding this ReplyDelete

  • mama44 said 2 years ago
    I just read on MSNBC that Obama said he will consider running for
    President. He will consider it and make the announcement after the
    November election this year!! Awesome!![THUMBUP][THUMBUP][HEART]ReplyDelete

  • nobullthinker said 2 years ago
    Your response to my comments had me speechless. You read a couple of
    books written by some guy about himself and that's enough for you to
    become a worshipper? Incredible.

    You needn't worry though. The press is at his feet, too, and
    barring Hil having him assasinated he will get the Democratic nod. ReplyDelete

  • anacoana said 2 years ago
    Watched the 60 Minutes Interview last night and he's been on Oprah a few times. I like what he has to say!! [SMILE]

    Thanks for this ...


  • sweethoneydew said 2 years ago
    Columnist David Brooks of the New York Times and a prominent
    conservative voice praises Obama. Open your minds, read, learn [COOL]ReplyDelete

  • sweethoneydew said 2 years ago
    The Brooks column is posted on my blog.Delete

  • maggiemae said 2 years ago
    [THUMBUP][THUMBUP]I like him!ReplyDelete

  • skyeblue said 2 years ago
    Obama is a very likeable and personable man, but he's too new yet on
    the political scene to be run for president. He will be the first black
    president one day though. But it won't be easy--he could have a halo
    over his head and some people wouldn't vote for him simply because of
    his African ancestry ReplyDelete

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posted on Nov 5, 2008 8:30 PM ()


Barak wins!! Passing "Watermelon and Fried chicken to everyone"!
comment by coincutter on Nov 6, 2008 9:13 PM ()
I must have been gone by then.
comment by teacherwoman on Nov 6, 2008 3:22 PM ()
You nailed it.
comment by elderjane on Nov 6, 2008 5:36 AM ()
I must have been sick the day you wrote this. Cause you know I would have had a comment.
comment by grumpy on Nov 6, 2008 12:09 AM ()
Meow and woof. DaDDY say you is a vizion-ary!
comment by hobbie on Nov 5, 2008 8:38 PM ()

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