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Politics & Legal > Obama Takes a 7-9 Point Lead - Bush New Low

Obama Takes a 7-9 Point Lead - Bush New Low

By LIZ SIDOTI - Associated Press Writer
Published - Oct 01 2008 08:14PM CDT | AP


Barack Obama has surged to a seven-point lead over John McCain one month before the presidential election, lifted by voters who think the Democrat is better suited to lead the nation through its sudden financial crisis, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that underscores the mounting concerns of some McCain backers.

Likely voters now back Obama 48-41 percent over McCain, a dramatic shift from an AP-GfK survey that gave the Republican a slight edge nearly three weeks ago, before Wall Street collapsed and sent ripples across worldwide markets. On top of that, unrelated surveys show Obama beating McCain in several battlegrounds, including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Iowa _ four states critical in the state-by-state fight for the presidency.

Several GOP strategists close to McCain's campaign privately fret that his chances for victory are starting to slip away.


New Poll CBS Shows Obama Has Significant Lead

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Published: October 1, 2008

With the first presidential debate completed and both candidates grappling with the turmoil on Wall Street in Washington, Senator Barack Obama is showing signs of gaining significant support among voters with less than five weeks left until Election Day, while Senator John McCain’s image has been damaged by his response to the economic meltdown.

A CBS News poll released Wednesday found that Mr. Obama’s favorability rating, at 48 percent, is the highest it has ever been in polls conducted by CBS and The New York Times. At the same time, the number of voters who hold an unfavorable view of Mr. McCain — 42 percent — is as high as it has been since CBS News and The Times began asking the question about Mr. McCain in 1999, the first time he ran for president.

The CBS News poll showed that Mr. Obama had a nine-percentage-point lead over Mr. McCain — 49 percent to 40 percent. It is the first time Mr. Obama has held a statistically significant lead over Mr. McCain this year in polls conducted by CBS or joint polls by CBS and The Times. And a series of polls taken in highly contested states released by other organizations on Tuesday suggested that Mr. Obama was building leads in states including Florida, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

The CBS News poll found that President Bush had tied the presidential record for a low approval rating — 22 percent, matching Harry S. Truman’s Gallup approval rating in 1952, when the country was mired in the Korean War and struggling with a stagnant economy. That finding put a new premium on Mr. McCain’s effort to distance himself from Mr. Bush, and suggests that Mr. Bush will continue to be a prominent figure in the Obama campaign’s advertisements attacking Mr. McCain.

posted on Oct 1, 2008 7:47 PM ()


comment by thestephymore on Oct 4, 2008 1:30 AM ()
I am hoping and hoping the blue takes the win.
comment by elderjane on Oct 3, 2008 11:26 AM ()
We will see, it is far from over.
comment by grumpy on Oct 3, 2008 8:23 AM ()
Where will we all go if McCain should, by some slim chance, win?
I know I won't want to stay here. I just don't know who would take citizens of this country anymore.

comment by thestephymore on Oct 3, 2008 2:24 AM ()
all politicians are idiots nah not really
comment by oldroan on Oct 3, 2008 1:29 AM ()
Yea,yea,heard this.McCain does not have a chance.
We are the Champion.Go Obama.
Don't forget to vote,not register?better hurry.
This is going to be Huggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeee
comment by fredo on Oct 2, 2008 10:07 AM ()
Let's keep our collective fingers crossed, and then get out and VOTE!
comment by hayduke on Oct 2, 2008 10:02 AM ()
Ohio has a new law which allows you to register and vote on the same day, but you must register by an early October date to fit into the federal rules. So the Republicans got lawyers to go to the Ohio courts and try to stop it. The courts threw it out. But the bad publicity it gave the reds may have something to do with the Obama gains here. That and our worsening economy, unemployment and the very negative McCain TV commercials which are turning people off.
comment by jondude on Oct 2, 2008 7:46 AM ()
let's hope it stays this way!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 2, 2008 7:27 AM ()
The holdouts in the Senate were just getting in line for pork to stick in the "essential" economic bailout bill. Once it was spread around liberally enough, everybody smiled and said "Aye".
comment by thestephymore on Oct 2, 2008 5:25 AM ()
it is funny to me to hear republicans say we need to wake up and see the light. I think we have and the numbers are proving it now.
comment by elkhound on Oct 2, 2008 4:31 AM ()
I am getting sick of all the politicans! The Senate's action disgusted me along with the additional price tag!
comment by angiedw on Oct 2, 2008 3:50 AM ()
comment by marta on Oct 1, 2008 9:17 PM ()
As long as there is no dirty tricks, we got this in the bag. Although, you should see what whereabouts posted regarding voter purges in 19 states. They know they have to do something to win, and they are breaking out all the old tricks early...
comment by ekyprogressive on Oct 1, 2008 8:12 PM ()
Well, that is a good sign!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 1, 2008 7:54 PM ()

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