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Loose Robes

Life & Events > New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

Do people actually make New Year’s resolutions?  And if they do, what percentage of these fine
resolutions do they really keep?  Do most
people resolve to accomplish specific goals, or are most resolutions of a general,
all-purpose sort?  I would think that the
general kind would be the easiest to keep or, at least, the easiest to kid
oneself into thinking that one kept, such as
I resolve to be a better person.  The most difficult are the specific ones,
such as
I resolve to stop smoking or I will not let the dirty clothes pile up. 

There are a number of resolutions that I ought to make. I
could say that I resolve to:

1.        Eat less sweets.

2.      Jog further.

3.       Work more resolutely on my writing.

4.      Call my sister more often.

5.      Read more.

To be realistic, however, I know that I shall do none of
these things.  Numbers 3 and 5 have the
best chance of being accomplished.  As
far as Number 1 is concerned, I can hear that box of peanut brittle calling to
me even as I type these words.  As for the
jogging, especially in the winter, when I get to that point on the long hill
where I can turn left and drift slightly downward, catching my breath in the
process, I invariably take it.  Calling
my sister is pretty easy, but it’s not the sort of thing one remembers to do

Most people who make resolutions at the beginning of a
new year are trying to force themselves to accomplish something that, up to
that point, they have been incapable of doing.  They are doomed to failure.  Resolutions are a temporary pretense, a psychological subterfuge,
designed to fool someone into thinking that he or she can succeed at something
that has escaped them to date.   They are
not real resolutions.  They may be the
determinations of
someone who wishes to accomplish something, but to be
determined is rarely
enough.  True impetus for accomplishment
comes from deeper within and thus has a better chance of success.  It is when one has the character to be actually
resolute that one improves
the chance of seeing the resolution through. 
Determination may
get one started, but
resolution has
a steadfastness often missing in mere determination. 

So, for those of you who are planning to make New Year’s
resolutions, good luck to you.  I’m
betting that you can do it.  Wink,
wink.  Nudge, nudge. 

posted on Dec 26, 2012 11:41 AM ()


just the same resolution I have had all year, take better care of my diabetes.
comment by elkhound on Dec 27, 2012 6:01 AM ()
Good for you...have a healthy 2013!
reply by steve on Dec 27, 2012 7:17 AM ()
I quit making them long ago. I figured that if I really wanted to do it, I'd do it all the rest of the year.
comment by maggiemae on Dec 27, 2012 5:31 AM ()
I agree with you! Have a healthy 2013!
reply by steve on Dec 27, 2012 7:16 AM ()
to be alive and well all year
comment by kevinshere on Dec 27, 2012 1:53 AM ()
Here's to a healthy 2013.
reply by steve on Dec 27, 2012 7:15 AM ()
I rarely make resolution and never for New Year's. My almost every other day resolution is to go back to getting up earlier. But still battling fatigue. We'll see.
comment by tealstar on Dec 26, 2012 1:52 PM ()
So you'll get up when you get up... let your body dictate.
reply by steve on Dec 26, 2012 6:25 PM ()
Live Free or Die.That is the motto here and also our resolution.
comment by fredo on Dec 26, 2012 1:11 PM ()
I remember the Sixties version of that motto: Better dead than Red.
reply by steve on Dec 26, 2012 1:17 PM ()
I am planning to get out more and have some fun. This one will be an easy
one to keep.
comment by elderjane on Dec 26, 2012 12:15 PM ()
An admirable resolution!
reply by steve on Dec 26, 2012 1:17 PM ()

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