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Loose Robes

Life & Events > Telephones


First off, a confession: I do not own a cell phone. Even back in the day, when phones were actually just phones, I harbored a hearty dislike for the busy little instruments. At work, when forced to speak into one, I did so without relish, at least, and often with absolute disgust.
Now the nasty little busy-bodies follow me around without mercy. Standing in line at the register to check out at the grocery store the other day, the woman in line behind me was yakking away into her cell phone. Although it was none of my business that Edna was a problem at work, she did not seem to mind regaling me with this putatively private information. The dirty look I gave her had no apparent effect. Her conversation continued. If she’d held an overloud boombox upon her shoulder, it could not have been more disturbing. I began to wish that I had some kind of handheld airhorn that I could hold out toward her phone and blast at her. This is what I get for being in a market in the middle of the day when I should be off doing more manly things like tuning engines or smoothing new cement, I thought miserably.
On the road, whenever I encounter a vehicle that is moving at a noticeably slow speed, it is usually because the driver, as it turns out, is talking on a cell phone while simultaneously engaged in controlling what is by law a deadly weapon. One might just as well take a pistol safety off and begin spinning it on one’s finger, performing feats of NRA dexterity, in a classroom full of enthralled but unprotected elementary school children.
Telephones have come a long way. They are now also cameras, and computers, and probably other incredible things such as only teenagers and one in 100 congressmen can figure out. As for me, I will continue to glare unforgivingly at people who intrude on other’s privacy by yakking away on their phones in public places. Plus, I’m going to check online to see if I can get a handheld airhorn!

posted on Oct 29, 2012 11:25 AM ()


I use it as a convenience. Also, when picking someone up at the airport, you can park in the lot and wait for a call from your friend when they are off the plane and then just scoot over and pick them up. It's handy in emergencies and before we had the phones, we did have emergencies. Do you suppose these have stopped because we are now prepared? I've used the phone when we are on the road to check with the caregiver for the cats -- eases my mind. It is invaluable when traveling. It is invaluable when you are delayed getting somewhere. It is invaluable if your car dies on a lonely road, or are lost. I rarely just chat on it -- occasionally I'll call a friend when I am walking -- if I call from home, I am delaying things I want to do, so it's a good solution. Some people get rid of their landlines and just use cell phones, but I wouldn't ever do that. However, if there is a power outage, the cell phone is very useful, and we have more of those here than we ever did in New York City.
comment by tealstar on Nov 1, 2012 9:20 AM ()
If you find cell phones annoying, try teaching! I tell my students that if I see or hear a cell phone during class, the phone must be placed outside my room. If they are afraid it will be stolen, they are welcome to leave with their phone. On the other hand, while at a baseball with friends, it's nice to be able to settle an argument by accessing Google from my phone.
comment by miker on Oct 30, 2012 4:31 PM ()
I have no inside info on who the next Marlins manager will be but past experience shows us he will be successful elsewhere after the Marlins fire him.
reply by miker on Oct 31, 2012 7:29 PM ()
So whose gonna manage the Marlins next?
reply by steve on Oct 30, 2012 5:49 PM ()
Well Steve,I understand what your saying and this is not going to change what so ever.
New generation is taking over and you have or have not lived with it.
Mostly female are the one always and always on the phone.Walking talking or just checking in.
I have a cell phone and treasured it.For me it mostly emergency if I have a medical issues or can make it home etc.This comes in handy for me.I do like the cell phone and getting a new one next week.Cell phone are here to stay whether you liked it or not.
Shoo,my phone is ringing.
comment by fredo on Oct 30, 2012 9:12 AM ()
I understand what the benefits are. More power to you. They're just not for me.
reply by steve on Oct 30, 2012 1:50 PM ()
It's illegal in many states to talk on the phone while driving. I was extremely reluctant to even get a cell phone. I have several people who like to talk my ear off and I didn't wanted to make myself that available. Having a cell phone has forced me to learn that just because it rings, doesn't mean I have to answer.
comment by maggiemae on Oct 30, 2012 7:46 AM ()
Distracted driving likely kills and maims as many if not more innocent people than DUI.
reply by steve on Oct 30, 2012 1:48 PM ()
I hate the new I phones because people can't resist diddling with them
all the time. Cell phone use should be outlawed when operating a motor
vehicle. I have one for emergencies and I value it for that but I don't
find it necessary to be in touch with all members of my family every moment.
comment by elderjane on Oct 30, 2012 5:58 AM ()
Distracted driving kills or maims as many if not more innocent people than does DUI.
reply by steve on Oct 30, 2012 1:49 PM ()
Putative! Again, thank you for a new word. And thanks for indirectly supporting my feelings against cell phones (and all phones). The ONLY reason I can think of for a need is if I am bleeding to death from a chain saw accident (or perhaps stranded on an island).
comment by solitaire on Oct 30, 2012 5:07 AM ()
...if you can get service from that island...
reply by steve on Oct 30, 2012 1:47 PM ()
Air horn! I haven't commuted to a job in years, so don't know what is going on with cell phones on buses and trains, but I imagine it is just rampant. I just googled it and came upon a 2011 article about a woman who was kicked off an Amtrak train and arrested for disorderly conduct for talking on a cell phone for 16 hours in a designated 'quiet car.' And someone commented that Amtrak encourages people to have their conversations in the space between cars, or talk in the non-quiet cars. I shudder to think of the day when cell phone conversations are allowed in airplanes. Talk about a captive audience.
comment by troutbend on Oct 29, 2012 6:36 PM ()
I've had it happen to me in an ELEVATOR!!! Talk about obNOXious...
reply by steve on Oct 29, 2012 6:41 PM ()
I must admit that I value my cell. Nothing fancy, just a phone. But it's very useful.. my buddy calls when he's two miles out on Friday so I don't have to wait on the street, and me and Donna can shop separately and still meet up without one of us sitting and waiting... Nope, wouldn't be without it.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 29, 2012 11:31 AM ()
I can appreciate that it can be a convenience as you suggest, just ain't for me, babe.
reply by steve on Oct 29, 2012 12:03 PM ()

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